In 1938 the first patient ever to receive ECT made a full recovery. Now, 75 years later, ECT remains the safest and most effective treatment for severe depression.
Today, the Somatics Thymatron® ECT instrument is the world’s most advanced, reliably delivering brief-pulse stimuli of proven superior seizure-inducing efficacy. The Thymatron® instrument is the first modern device to provide an Ultrabrief stimulus. It remains the only one that can deliver the same stimulus across the entire dosage range.
The unequaled safety record of the Thymatron® instrument comes from its multiple redundant levels of error protection and operating efficiency. These reduce complexity and make it easy to use.
Several proprietary computer methods in the Thymatron® instrument automatically provide optimal stimulus delivery, seizure quality analysis, and seizure endpoint determination. This information is printed in a concise end-of-treatment report.
Please review indications, warnings, cautions, and adverse effects described fully in Thymatron® System IV – Instruction Manual on the DOWNLOADS page of this website. This manual download supersedes and replaces all previous versions, which should be discarded.