


Sugentech, Inc. is the 28th INNOPOLIS Research Institute Spin-off Company of Ministry of Science and ICT in Korea and was established in 2011 based on the technology transfer from the ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute).

Since its establishment, Sugentech has accumulated various and robust bio- and nano- based technologies and successfully commercialized a variety of in-vitro diagnostic products. In 2017, K-MAC(bio department), an outstanding Korean semiconductor company became a Sugentech family, while bringing its full automation and IT technology and finally together making a comprehensive in-vitro diagnostic company with whole converging bio, nano and IT technology.

Now we are developing and selling products that can diagnose many types of diseases based on various platforms such as self-diagnostics home testing products (Self-testing), Point-of-care testing(POCT) products for rapid and accurate diagnosis in small and medium hospitals, and Fully Automated Immunoblot system for multiplex testing at large hospitals.

A simple disease treatment became the past, and today we have faced the era of healthcare 3.0, which enables prediction, prevention, companion diagnosis, and treatment and monitoring of a disease. Therefore, in-vitro diagnostics technology has become more important than ever and there are rising expectations for the huge potential that the convergence of various IVD technologies will show.

Based on its internalized BT-NT-IT convergence technology and commercialization capability, Sugentech enables early diagnosis of diseases which were not possible before, and is opening a new era of a personalized diagnosis through the development of micro, multiplex, automated diagnostic instruments.

In the era of 4th Industrial Revolution known as big data and artificial intelligence, we will grow as a global leading smart healthcare company contribute to the 4th Industrial Revolution in the field of healthcare.

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