
Anke Anatom 32 Fit Multi-Slice Spiral CT Scan


Shipped from Abroad

This Machine gives a possibility to perform computed tomography without any problems and on high quality level. This device is used to conduct exams of internal organs and their functioning. With its help, a physician has a possibility to assess the condition of the human body as a whole.

Delivery & Availability:

Typically 90 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.

Brands:: Anke


This Machine gives a possibility to perform computed tomography without any problems and on high quality level. This device is used to conduct exams of internal organs and their functioning. With its help, a physician has a possibility to assess the condition of the human body as a whole.


  • It is easy to use;
  • Convenience;
  • Multi functionality;
  • Obtained images are of high definition;
  • High-definition 3D images of the area under study;
  • The procedure is pain-free;
  • The data is processed fast;
  • The image can be stored in the computer memory;
  • The diagnostics does not take a lot of time;
  • Acceptable radiation dose.

Technical Specifications:

No. Technical Features Descriptions
1 Gantry
1.01 Gantry type Low voltage slip-ring
1.02 Gantry driven type Strap-driven
1.03 Patient opening 70cm
1.04 Gantry tilt mode Digital gantry tilt
1.05 Digital tilt capability ±50°
1.06 Detector type OptiWave rare-earth ceramic detector
1.07 Numbers of detector rows 16
1.08 Width of Z-axle detector 20mm
1.09 Detector columns of channels per row 848
1.10 Numbers of detector columns 13568
1.11 Data-transfer type RF, optical fiber communication
1.12 Distance of focus-ISO-center 53cm
1.13 Distance of focus-detector 94cm
1.14 3D laser orientation Provided
1.15 13″ integrated display panel Provided
1.16 Adose automatic exposure control (mA


1.17 Auto-voice manager Breath Graphical Display

Hold Message (Record/Playback)

Breath Message (Record/Playback)

1.18 AccuSaving energy conservation management Provided
2 HVPS and X-ray tube
2.01 Maximum continuous output of HVgenerator 42kW
2.02 Tube kV selections 70kV, 80kV, 100 kV, 120 kV, 140 kV
2.03 Tube mA range 10~350mA
2.04 Tube anode heat capacity 3.5MHU
2.05 Max. anode cooling rate 735kHU/min
2.06 Type of cooling Oil cooling + Air cooling
2.07 Tube focus Large: 1.2mm×1.4mm

Small: 0.7mm×0.8mm

2.08 Collimator width selection 4-level election
2.09 Focus spot tracking technology Provided
3 Patient table
3.01 Maximum horizontal-movable range 1850mm
3.02 Table horizontal-scannablerange 1800mm
3.03 Table horizontal-position repeatability ±0.25mm
3.04 Minimum height above floor 430mm
3.05 Maximum vertical-movable range 500mm
3.06 Maximum speed of vertical movement 35mm
3.07 Maximum speed of horizontal movement 150mm/s
3.08 Maximum patient weight 205kg
3.09 Foot pedal of patient table control Provided
4 Computer
4.01 CPU 3.5GHz
4.02 Memory 32GB
4.03 Storage of hard-disk 1TB×2
4.04 Monitor 24’’ LCD Monitor
4.05 Resolution of monitor 1920×1200
4.06 Image-data external storage type CD/DVD/USB
4.07 Time of image reconstruction (512×512) 33.3ms/image
4.08 Speed of image reconstruction (512×12) 30fps
4.09 DICOM 3.0 interface Provided
4.10 Printer DICOM 3.0 interface Provided
4.11 Auto filming Provided
4.12 Worklist function Provided
5 Scan parameters
5.01 Shortest 360 degree rotation time 0.75s
5.02 Allowed rotation times 0.75s, 1.0s, 1.5s, 2.0s, 3.0s, 4.0s
5.03 Maximum slice numbers per rotation 32
5.04 Minimum slice thickness of scan 1.25mm
5.05 Minimum slice thickness of reconstruction 0.625mm
5.06 Maximum slice thickness of scan 20mm
5.07 Nominal reconstruction slice thickness 0.625mm, 1.25mm, 2.5mm, 5.0mm, 7.5mm,

10mm, 20mm

5.08 Speed of image reconstruction (512×512) 30 frames/s
5.09 Scan FOV 50cm
5.10 Image reconstruction matrix 512×512, 1024×1024 (Optional)
5.11 Image reconstruction matrix 512×512, 1024×1024 (Optional)
5.12 Image display matrix 512×512, 1024×1024 (Optional)
5.13 Maximum continuous scan duration 120s
5.14 Maximum continuous scan length 180cm
5.15 Direction of TOPO Front-back, Left-right
5.16 Max. length of TOPO 180cm
5.17 Range of pitch 0.5~1.5
5.18 Scan mode Scout scan

Axial scan

Helical scan

Cine scan

6 Image Quality
6.01 High contrast resolution 21lp/cm@0%MTF
6.02 Low contrast resolution 2.0mm@0.30%
6.03 Isotropic imaging resolution 0.24mm
6.04 Range of CT numbers -32767~32768
6.05 Image noise ≤0.29@28mGy
7 Advanced application
7.01 Multi-Planar Reconstruction (MPR) Provided
7.02 Curve Multi-Planar Reconstruction (CPR) Provided
7.03 Surface Shaded Display (SSD) Provided
7.04 Volume Rendering (VR) Provided
7.05 Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) Provided
7.06 Minimum Intensity Projection (MinIP) Provided
7.07 Virtual Endoscopy (VE) Provided
7.08 CT angiography (CTA) Provided
7.09 Tissue segmentation Provided
7.10 One click bone remove Provided
7.11 One click patient table remove Provided
7.12 Bolus-tracking Technology Provided
7.13 Spiral auto start Provided
7.14 Cine display Provided
7.15 AbastTM bone artifact suppression technology Provided
7.16 AmastTM metal artifact suppression technology Provided
7.17 Admir3D all-domain iterative reconstruction Provided
7.18 Low-dose pediatric scan technology Provided
7.19 Low-dose lung scan technology Provided
7.20 AccuHead grey-white matter enhanced


7.21 AccuOrgan lung high resolution scan technology Provided
7.22 AccuOrgan inner-ear high resolution scan


7.23 AccuOrgan body high resolution scan technology Provided
7.24 AccuOrgan bone high resolution scan technology Provided
7.25 AccuMatter dual-energy with Admir3D for new




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Advanced, Advanced Plus, Basic, Smart


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SettingsAnke Anatom 32 Fit Multi-Slice Spiral CT Scan removeDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray removeASPEL AsCARD Green B/W ECG Machine removeDrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine removeASPEL AsCARD Grey ECG Machine removeASPEL AsCARD Coral PC Based ECG Machine remove
NameAnke Anatom 32 Fit Multi-Slice Spiral CT Scan removeDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray removeASPEL AsCARD Green B/W ECG Machine removeDrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine removeASPEL AsCARD Grey ECG Machine removeASPEL AsCARD Coral PC Based ECG Machine remove
ImageAnatom CT-ScanDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray MachineASPEL AsCARD Green B/W ECG MachineDrGem GXR-S 400mA Ceiling Mounted Analogue X-ray MachineASPEL AsCARD Grey ECG MachineASPEL AsCARD Coral electrocardiograph







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DescriptionShipped from Abroad This Machine gives a possibility to perform computed tomography without any problems and on high quality level. This device is used to conduct exams of internal organs and their functioning. With its help, a physician has a possibility to assess the condition of the human body as a whole.

Delivery & Availability:

Typically 90 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In Stock The GXR-SD Digital X-ray is a diagnostic digital radiography system that provides reliable high quality digital radiographic images with a reduced dose. The GXR-SD DR systems offer comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors as well as reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad AsCARD Green electrocardiograph is a 1- and 3-channel ECG unit which enables to make electrocardiogram in full 12 leads. Intended for ECG examinations of adult and paediatric patients aimed at identification of cardiological abnormalities, myocardial ischaemia or infarction. The device is intended for use in healthcare facilities by duly trained personnel. ECG examination may be recorded in manual or automatic mode with the ability to perform the analysis and interpretation. Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from abroad The DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine is a diagnostic radiography system that provides reliable high quality radiographic images with a reduced dose. The reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad Electrocardiograph AsCARD Grey v.07.225 - is a 1, 3, 6, 12 channel ECG unit which enables to make electrocardiogram in full 12 leads. It is intended to conduct ECG examinations of adults and paediatric patients in all types of health care centres. ECG examination may be recorded in manual or automatic mode, with the possibility of analysis and interpretation. The device can be powered from 100 V ÷ 240 V mains supply or by an internal battery. Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad AsCARD Coral electrocardiograph is a 3-, 6-, 12-channel ECG equipped with CardioTEKA software allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. It is intended for carrying out ECG examinations in adults and pediatric patients in all types of health care centres. ECG procedures can be performed by qualified personnel only. AsCARD Coral can cooperate also with CardioTEST system as 12-channel ECG device allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
ContentThis Machine gives a possibility to perform computed tomography without any problems and on high quality level. This device is used to conduct exams of internal organs and their functioning. With its help, a physician has a possibility to assess the condition of the human body as a whole. Features:
  • It is easy to use;
  • Convenience;
  • Multi functionality;
  • Obtained images are of high definition;
  • High-definition 3D images of the area under study;
  • The procedure is pain-free;
  • The data is processed fast;
  • The image can be stored in the computer memory;
  • The diagnostics does not take a lot of time;
  • Acceptable radiation dose.
Technical Specifications:
No. Technical Features Descriptions
1 Gantry
1.01 Gantry type Low voltage slip-ring
1.02 Gantry driven type Strap-driven
1.03 Patient opening 70cm
1.04 Gantry tilt mode Digital gantry tilt
1.05 Digital tilt capability ±50°
1.06 Detector type OptiWave rare-earth ceramic detector
1.07 Numbers of detector rows 16
1.08 Width of Z-axle detector 20mm
1.09 Detector columns of channels per row 848
1.10 Numbers of detector columns 13568
1.11 Data-transfer type RF, optical fiber communication
1.12 Distance of focus-ISO-center 53cm
1.13 Distance of focus-detector 94cm
1.14 3D laser orientation Provided
1.15 13" integrated display panel Provided
1.16 Adose automatic exposure control (mA Modulation) Provided
1.17 Auto-voice manager Breath Graphical Display Hold Message (Record/Playback) Breath Message (Record/Playback)
1.18 AccuSaving energy conservation management Provided
2 HVPS and X-ray tube
2.01 Maximum continuous output of HVgenerator 42kW
2.02 Tube kV selections 70kV, 80kV, 100 kV, 120 kV, 140 kV
2.03 Tube mA range 10~350mA
2.04 Tube anode heat capacity 3.5MHU
2.05 Max. anode cooling rate 735kHU/min
2.06 Type of cooling Oil cooling + Air cooling
2.07 Tube focus Large: 1.2mm×1.4mm Small: 0.7mm×0.8mm
2.08 Collimator width selection 4-level election
2.09 Focus spot tracking technology Provided
3 Patient table
3.01 Maximum horizontal-movable range 1850mm
3.02 Table horizontal-scannablerange 1800mm
3.03 Table horizontal-position repeatability ±0.25mm
3.04 Minimum height above floor 430mm
3.05 Maximum vertical-movable range 500mm
3.06 Maximum speed of vertical movement 35mm
3.07 Maximum speed of horizontal movement 150mm/s
3.08 Maximum patient weight 205kg
3.09 Foot pedal of patient table control Provided
4 Computer
4.01 CPU 3.5GHz
4.02 Memory 32GB
4.03 Storage of hard-disk 1TB×2
4.04 Monitor 24’’ LCD Monitor
4.05 Resolution of monitor 1920×1200
4.06 Image-data external storage type CD/DVD/USB
4.07 Time of image reconstruction (512×512) 33.3ms/image
4.08 Speed of image reconstruction (512×12) 30fps
4.09 DICOM 3.0 interface Provided
4.10 Printer DICOM 3.0 interface Provided
4.11 Auto filming Provided
4.12 Worklist function Provided
5 Scan parameters
5.01 Shortest 360 degree rotation time 0.75s
5.02 Allowed rotation times 0.75s, 1.0s, 1.5s, 2.0s, 3.0s, 4.0s
5.03 Maximum slice numbers per rotation 32
5.04 Minimum slice thickness of scan 1.25mm
5.05 Minimum slice thickness of reconstruction 0.625mm
5.06 Maximum slice thickness of scan 20mm
5.07 Nominal reconstruction slice thickness 0.625mm, 1.25mm, 2.5mm, 5.0mm, 7.5mm, 10mm, 20mm
5.08 Speed of image reconstruction (512×512) 30 frames/s
5.09 Scan FOV 50cm
5.10 Image reconstruction matrix 512×512, 1024×1024 (Optional)
5.11 Image reconstruction matrix 512×512, 1024×1024 (Optional)
5.12 Image display matrix 512×512, 1024×1024 (Optional)
5.13 Maximum continuous scan duration 120s
5.14 Maximum continuous scan length 180cm
5.15 Direction of TOPO Front-back, Left-right
5.16 Max. length of TOPO 180cm
5.17 Range of pitch 0.5~1.5
5.18 Scan mode Scout scan Axial scan Helical scan Cine scan
6 Image Quality
6.01 High contrast resolution 21lp/cm@0%MTF
6.02 Low contrast resolution 2.0mm@0.30%
6.03 Isotropic imaging resolution 0.24mm
6.04 Range of CT numbers -32767~32768
6.05 Image noise ≤0.29@28mGy
7 Advanced application
7.01 Multi-Planar Reconstruction (MPR) Provided
7.02 Curve Multi-Planar Reconstruction (CPR) Provided
7.03 Surface Shaded Display (SSD) Provided
7.04 Volume Rendering (VR) Provided
7.05 Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) Provided
7.06 Minimum Intensity Projection (MinIP) Provided
7.07 Virtual Endoscopy (VE) Provided
7.08 CT angiography (CTA) Provided
7.09 Tissue segmentation Provided
7.10 One click bone remove Provided
7.11 One click patient table remove Provided
7.12 Bolus-tracking Technology Provided
7.13 Spiral auto start Provided
7.14 Cine display Provided
7.15 AbastTM bone artifact suppression technology Provided
7.16 AmastTM metal artifact suppression technology Provided
7.17 Admir3D all-domain iterative reconstruction Provided
7.18 Low-dose pediatric scan technology Provided
7.19 Low-dose lung scan technology Provided
7.20 AccuHead grey-white matter enhanced technology Provided
7.21 AccuOrgan lung high resolution scan technology Provided
7.22 AccuOrgan inner-ear high resolution scan technology Provided
7.23 AccuOrgan body high resolution scan technology Provided
7.24 AccuOrgan bone high resolution scan technology Provided
7.25 AccuMatter dual-energy with Admir3D for new application Provided
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DrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray system matches with a radiographic room which perfectly fits your workow and can be easily upgraded to DR system with the help of DR interface and PC interface in GXR generator as well as Bucky suitable to Flat Panel Detector. GXR X-ray system is equipped with a high frequency X-ray generator which consistently produces high quality radiograph in favor of high quality X-ray output with a very small kV ripple and accurate mA and mAs. GXR X-ray system is designed to provide convenience to operator and comfort to patient Features of DrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray:
  • PBT-6 is a 4 way Motorized Tabletop with Elevating feature (66cm). A large tabletop with extended travel enables all radiography studies with minimal patient movement. Fully fat tabletop without a frame on the edge makes cleanliness and odors free
  • Automatic Stitching - GXR-SD system provides outstanding automatic stitching function with Source tilting method
  • Digital Flat Panel Detector (FPD) – Wireless 17X14 (Csl, 4336W) with Auto Exposure Detection (AED) function, there is no DR trigger cable between detector and generator.
  • Full Featured Imaging Software & Excellent Digital Image Processing:
  1. Provides convenient user interface and easy operation
  2. Anatomical view-based digital image processing automatically optimizes and enhances the quality of the captured image for the pictured anatomy.
  3. Radiographic stand & automatic collimator control function
  4. DICOM 3.0 networking interface includes Worklist, Print, Store, Query for integration with any PACS or RIS
  • Included – Software, HP Laptop Computer
  1. CPU≥3.2GHz
  2. Memory capacity:≥4GB
  3. Hard drive capacity :≥500 GB
  4. Resolution: 1280 x 1024
  5. Display size: 21 inch color LCD screen
  6. 64 bit Windows 10 operation system
  7. Core: i5
  Technical Specifications of DrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray:
  • Power Rating - 32KW
  • Generator - GXR-32S
  • Rotor - Dual Speed Starter(DSS)
  • Input Power - 400/480VAC, Three phase
  • Line Frequency - 50/60Hz
  • X-ray tube - DXT-12M, (0.6/1.2mm, 300kHU)
  • Tube Voltage - 40 to 150kV, 1kV Step
  • Tube Current – 10 to 640mA
  • Output - 640mA@81kV,  500mA@104kV, 400mA@130kV, 320mA@150kV
  • Time Range - 1ms to 10s
  • mAs Range - 0.1 to 800mAs
  • Reproducibility - Coe­cient of Variation : kV < 0.005, Time < 0.005,mAs < 0.01
  • Accuracy - kV < ±(1%+1kV), mA < ±(3%+1mA), Time <±(1%+0.5ms), mAs < ±(3%+0.1mAs)
  • Linearity - Coe­cient of Linearity < 0.01 : CL = (X1-X2)/(X1+X2), where X is mR/mAs
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AsCARD Green electrocardiograph is a 1- and 3-channel ECG unit which enables to make electrocardiogram in full 12 leads. Intended for ECG examinations of adult and paediatric patients aimed at identification of cardiological abnormalities, myocardial ischaemia or infarction. The device is intended for use in healthcare facilities by duly trained personnel. ECG examination may be recorded in manual or automatic mode with the ability to perform the analysis and interpretation. Electrocardiograph is based on advanced microprocessor technology. It is equipped with a thermal printer with high-resolution head and graphical LCD display. A hightech membrane keyboard makes the AsCARD Green device operation intuitive, and its menu navigation exceptionally easy. This light-weight, small-footprint and battery powered cause that device can be easily transported to any location. With plastic casing and foil covered keyboard, the device is neat and easy to clean. Technical Specifications:
  • dimensions: 220x153x55 mm (L x W x H)
  • weight: < 0,6 kg
  • recording of standard 12 ECG lead
  • saving the ECG signal simultaneously from all the 12 leads during the automatic recording, together with the date and time of the examination, filter settings, examination recording time and, optionally, patient's data, in the internal memory
  • printout of the automatic ECG recording from internal memory, in groups of three leads
  • printout of the analysis, interpretation of automatic ECG examination
  • display of 1, 3, 6 or 12 lead ECG recordings
  • printout of 1 or 3 lead ECG of selected group:
  • attaching the name of the patient to the ECG printout
  • ECG printout in 1- or 3-channel modes
  • membrane alphanumeric keyboard with functional keys
  • graphical menu displayed on the screen for easy operation using keyboard
  • automatic analysis and interpretation in compliance with EN 60601-2-25 (CSE database) - interpretation dependable on age & sex of a patient
  • memory of the last automatic examinations, with a limit from 5 to 1000
  • up to 130 automatic examinations in battery mode
  • continuous heart rate (HR) measurement and display
  • automatic detection of QRS complex
  • adapted to direct operation on an open heart
  • power line interference filter: 50 Hz, 60 Hz
  • muscle interference filter; filters available: 25 Hz, 35 Hz, 45 Hz
  • contour line filters; filters available: 0.15 Hz, 0.45 Hz, 0.75 Hz, 1.5 Hz
  • detection of electrode detachment, independent for each channel
  • selectable channel to detect heart rate
  • the thickness of the printing ECG waveforms line to choose from: normal or bold
  • presentation of the curves in the standard layout or Cabrera layout
  • multilingual menu
  • external USB communication port to connect a PC and the CardioTEKA software, for real-time transmission of ECG signal
  • acoustic signalling of detected beats
  • protection against defibrillation pulse
  • detection and presentation of stimulating pulses on printout
  • automatic examination with the printout of patient data and clinic data
  • battery power saving functions
Standard Equipment:
  • limb electrodes, 4 pieces
  • chest electrodes, 6 piece
  • KEKG-30R ECG cable
  • medical power connector, M12-15
  • RB1 paper 58 mm wide (1 roll)
  • ECG gel
  • operation manual
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DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine is a diagnostic radiography system X-ray Machine that provides reliable high quality radiographic images with a reduced dose. The reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Features of DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine
  • TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m stroke, rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m
  • WBS-TA:  Vertical movement
  1. V Stroke:1,450mm in Uprigh Bucky Position,
  2. 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
  • PBT-4 is a 4 way Floating Tabletop with. A large tabletop with extended travel enables all radiography studies with minimal patient movement. Fully fat tabletop without a frame on the edge makes cleanliness and odors free
Technical Specifications of DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine
  • Power Rating - 32KW
  • Generator - GXR-32S
  • Rotor - Dual Speed Starter(DSS)
  • Input Power - 400/480VAC, Three phase
  • Line Frequency - 50/60Hz
  • X-ray tube - DXT-12M, (0.6/1.2mm, 300kHU)
  • Tube Voltage - 40 to 150kV, 1kV Step
  • Tube Current – 10 to 640mA
  • Output - 640mA@81kV,  500mA@104kV, 400mA@130kV, 320mA@150kV
  • Time Range - 1ms to 10s
  • mAs Range - 0.1 to 800mAs
  • Reproducibility - Coe­cient of Variation : kV < 0.005, Time < 0.005,mAs < 0.01
  • Accuracy - kV < ±(1%+1kV), mA < ±(3%+1mA), Time <±(1%+0.5ms), mAs < ±(3%+0.1mAs)
  • Linearity - Coe­cient of Linearity < 0.01 : CL = (X1-X2)/(X1+X2), where X is mR/mAs
  • Mechanical Parts:
-TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m, stroke rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m - PBT-4: 4 way Floating Tabletop with Elevating Feature (66cm). - WBS-TA:   a.  Vertical    movement
  1.   V Stroke:1,450mm in Upright Bucky
  2. Position, 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
- HVC-15: 15M HV cable - Auto Collimator  
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Electrocardiograph AsCARD Grey v.07.225 - is a 1, 3, 6, 12 channel ECG unit which enables to make electrocardiogram in full 12 leads. It is intended to conduct ECG examinations of adults and paediatric patients in all types of health care centres. ECG examination may be recorded in manual or automatic mode, with the possibility of analysis and interpretation. The device can be powered from 100 V ÷ 240 V mains supply or by an internal battery. Technical Specification:1. Visualisation of 1, 3, 6 or 12 ECG waveforms, analysis results and interpretations, examinations stored in memory. 2. Recording of 12 standard leads. 3. Print out in 1, 3, 6 or 12 ECG waveforms mode. Printing of a selected group:
  • 1 channel - (I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6),
  • 3 channels in standard format - (I-II-III, aVR-aVL-aVF, V1-V2-V3, V4-V5-V6),
  • 3 channels in Cabrera format - (aVL-I-aVR, II-aVF-III, V1-V2-V3, V4-V5-V6),
  • 6 channels in standard format - (I-II-III-aVR-aVL-aVF, V1-V2-V3-V4-V5-V6),
  • 6 channels in Cabrera format - (aVL-I-aVR-II-aVF-III, V1-V2-V3-V4-V5-V6),
  • 12 channels in standard format - (I-II-III-aVR-aVL-aVF-V1-V2-V3-V4-V5-V6),
  • 12 channels in Cabrera format - (aVL-I-aVR-II-aVF-III-V1-V2-V3-V4-V5-V6).
4. Available types of examinations: manual, AUTO, SPIRO, automatic to clipboard, AUTOMANUAL, LONG (v.07.xx5). 5. Automatic record ECG signal from all 12 leads simultaneously, with save to temporary memory function, then depending on the settings: print out examination's result, analysis, interpretation or save to database. 6. Adjustable length of automatic examination recording — interval of 6–30 seconds. 7. Reverse recording in automatic examination to clipboard and in manual examination (v.07.xx5). 8. Rhythm print out in AUTO examination and automatic examination to clipboard. 9. Definable stages of examination according to set up parameters in AUTOMANUAL examination. 10. Storing an examination in memory, 1–15 minutes in LONG mode (v.07.xx5). 11. ECG printed directly from the electrocardiograph using PCL5/6 printer. 12. Printout from database. Possibility to printout additional information about examination or patient. 13. Alpha-numerical soft-key keyboard with functional buttons. 14. Possibility to set parameters: speed, sensitive, intensity of printing. 15. Menu displayed on the screen for easy operation using touch panel. 16. Database of patients and examinations. Internal memory up to 1000 patients, 1000 examinations. 17. Viewing of the memory-stored examinations on display, with the possibility of changing the number of leads, augmentation and speed. 18. Automatic analysis and interpretation in compliance with EN 60601-2-51 (CSE database) - Analysis and interpretation dependable on age & sex of a patient. 19. Up to 130 automatic examinations in battery mode. 20. Continuous heart rate (HR) measurement and display. 21. Adapted to direct operation on an open heart. 22. Device allows to enable and disable the following filters:
  • power line interference filter; filters available: 50 Hz, 60 Hz,
  • muscle interference filter; filters available: 25 Hz, 35 Hz, 45 Hz,
  • contour line filters; filters available: 0.15 Hz, 0.45 Hz, 0.75 Hz, 1.5 Hz,
  • the low-pass filter (v.07.224, v.07.324, v.07.225, v.07.325): 75 Hz, 100 Hz, 125 Hz, 150 Hz,
  • the auto-adaptive filter (v.07.224, v.07.324, v.07.225, v.07.325).
23. Detection of electrode detachment, independent for each channel (INOP control). 24. Detection of cardiac stimulator. 25. Sound signalling of detected stimulations of heart stimulator. 26. Protection against defibrillation pulse. 27. ECG recordings optionally saved on PenDrive, send on email or to other AsCARD via EKG-MAIL. 28. Wireless communication with the LAN or the Internet (v.07.3xx). 29. Wired communication with the LAN or the Internet. 30. Cooperation with CardioTEKA and CardioTEL. 31. Possibility of accepting orders for examination and sending back the results in HL7 standard via Internet (v.07.3xx). 32. Possibility of conducting preliminary spirometry examinations by using SPIRO-31 attachment. 33. EMR – keep performed examinations in specified period of time on external data storage (USB memory). Accessories 1. Limb electrodes, 4 pieces (EKK type). 2. Chest electrodes, 6 pieces (EPP type). 3. KEKG 30R ECG cable. 4. Main cable. 5. R-A4 paper, 112 mm wide (1 reel). 6. ECG gel. 7. Operation manual.  
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AsCARD Coral electrocardiograph is a 3-, 6-, 12-channel ECG equipped with CardioTEKA software allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. It is intended for carrying out ECG examinations in adults and pediatric patients in all types of health care centres. ECG procedures can be performed by qualified personnel only. AsCARD Coral can cooperate also with CardioTEST system as 12-channel ECG device allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. Technical Specification:
  • Number of electrodes: 10
  • ECG channels: 12
  • Sampling frequency: 1600 Hz
  • Transmitted ECG signal resolution: 12 bits
  • Transmission type: USB 1.1
  • ECG signal analysis: CardioTEKA Software
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