
Ergometer-Ergoselect 10


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The half-reclining ergometer ergoselect 10 is a multi-function device that offers a high level of safety during the ergometric test, particularly for older patients. The couch surface can be adjusted from a horizontal position up to a 38° angle. The inclination angle and seat position are set via an electrical drive by remote control. With just a few movements, the unit can be converted to a comfortable examination couch – the ergometry unit is lowered into the couch area and the seat is simply removed.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: Ergoline


  • patient weight up to 200 kg
  • horizontal inclination up to 38°
  • remote motor control (wireless option)
  • ergometry unit folds away easily
  • whisper-quiet belt drive
  • load range from 6 to 450 watts
  • high-quality upholstery fabric
  • Different upholstery colors available
  • universal interfaces
  • wide range of expansion options


Technical Details


Length: 220 cm
Width: 90 cm (with attachments)
Height: 180 cm (max.)
Weight: approx. 217 kg

Ergometer with packaging

Length: 230 cm
Width: 98 cm
Height: 110 cm
Weight: approx. 259 kg


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SettingsErgometer-Ergoselect 10 removeSonoscape E1 Ultrasound Machine With Two Probes removeDrGem Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray removeDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray removeSonoscape P20 Ultrasound Machine removeSonoscape E2 Ultrasound Machine remove
NameErgometer-Ergoselect 10 removeSonoscape E1 Ultrasound Machine With Two Probes removeDrGem Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray removeDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray removeSonoscape P20 Ultrasound Machine removeSonoscape E2 Ultrasound Machine remove
ImageDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray MachineDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray Machineportable ultrasound machine







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DescriptionShipped From Abroad The half-reclining ergometer ergoselect 10 is a multi-function device that offers a high level of safety during the ergometric test, particularly for older patients. The couch surface can be adjusted from a horizontal position up to a 38° angle. The inclination angle and seat position are set via an electrical drive by remote control. With just a few movements, the unit can be converted to a comfortable examination couch – the ergometry unit is lowered into the couch area and the seat is simply removed.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad SonoScape has developed a new probe and function for the E1 Exp. With these additions the E1 Exp will bring users a more efficient examination experience with satisfying image quality and a smooth workflow. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock The GXR-SD is a diagnostic digital radiography system that provides reliable high quality digital radiographic images with a reduced dose. The GXR-SD DR systems offer comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors as well as reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock The GXR-SD Digital X-ray is a diagnostic digital radiography system that provides reliable high quality digital radiographic images with a reduced dose. The GXR-SD DR systems offer comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors as well as reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad Incorporating innovative technologies, P20’s user-friendly design with a simple operation panel, intuitive user interface and a variety of intelligent auxiliary scanning tools, will significantly improve your daily examination experience. Besides general imaging applications, P20 has entitled with diagnostic 4D technology which has an extraordinary performance in obstetrics and gynecology applications. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad Sonoscape E2 portable ultrasound machine is a color Doppler ultrasound system that reaches beyond your expectations due to its compact and fashionable appearance. It fulfills GI, OB/GYN, Cardiac and POC applications to fit your routine scanning needs while its color mode will help you for more accurate and efficient diagnosis of lesions. E2 provides a wide range of applications to assist users with routine scanning. E2 provides automatic calculations to enhance your diagnostic confidence and save you time for patient communication. Delivery & Availability: Typically 14 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
  • patient weight up to 200 kg
  • horizontal inclination up to 38°
  • remote motor control (wireless option)
  • ergometry unit folds away easily
  • whisper-quiet belt drive
  • load range from 6 to 450 watts
  • high-quality upholstery fabric
  • Different upholstery colors available
  • universal interfaces
  • wide range of expansion options
Technical Details
Length: 220 cm
Width: 90 cm (with attachments)
Height: 180 cm (max.)
Weight: approx. 217 kg
Ergometer with packaging
Length: 230 cm
Width: 98 cm
Height: 110 cm
Weight: approx. 259 kg
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DETAILS Efficient Diagnosis μ-Scan, Speckle Reduction & Edge Enhancement Spatial Compound Imaging PIH - Pure Inversion Harmonic Wide Scan - Enlarged Image Area Tissue-Specific Imaging SR Flow Ergonomic Designs Up to 2 Transducer Ports Light Weight and Compact 15.6 inch Anti-flickering HD LED Screen Tilting Monitor Angle Adjustment Backlit Keyboard and Intelligent Panel Long-lasting Battery for 90 mins Ease of Use Quick Boot Up Auto-Brightness Adjustment Auto Image Optimization Auto IMT Auto Trace Equipped Accessories Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Available DICOM 500GB Hard Disk Height Adjustable Trolley Durable, Carry-on Site Suitcase  
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DrGem Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray is a diagnostic digital radiography system that provides reliable high quality digital radiographic images with a reduced dose. The GXR-SD DR systems offer comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors as well as reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Features:
  • TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m stroke, rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m
  • WBS-TA: Vertical movement
  1. V Stroke:1,450mm in Uprigh Bucky Position,
  2. 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
  • PBT-4 is a 4 way Floating Tabletop. A large tabletop with extended travel enables all radiography studies with minimal patient movement. Fully fat tabletop without a frame on the edge makes cleanliness and odors free
  • Digital Flat Panel Detector (FPD) – Wireless 17X14 (Csl, 4336W) with Auto Exposure Detection (AED) function, there is no DR trigger cable between detector and generator.
  • Full Featured Imaging Software & Excellent Digital Image Processing:
  1. Provides convenient user interface and easy operation
  2. Anatomical view-based digital image processing automatically optimizes and enhances the quality of the captured image for the pictured anatomy.
  3. Radiographic stand & automatic collimator control function
  4. DICOM 3.0 networking interface includes Worklist, Print, Store, Query for integration with any PACS or RIS
  • Included – Software, HP Laptop Computer
  1. CPU≥3.2GHz
  2. Memory capacity:≥4GB
  3. Hard drive capacity :≥500 GB
  4. Resolution: 1280 x 1024
  5. Display size: 21 inch color LCD screen
  6. 64 bit Windows 10 operation system
  7. Core: i5
  Technical Specification:
  • Power Rating - 32KW
  • Generator - GXR-32S
  • Rotor - Dual Speed Starter(DSS)
  • Input Power - 400/480VAC, Three phase
  • Line Frequency - 50/60Hz
  • X-ray tube - DXT-12M, (0.6/1.2mm, 300kHU)
  • Tube Voltage - 40 to 150kV, 1kV Step
  • Tube Current – 10 to 640mA
  • Output - 640mA@81kV,  500mA@104kV, 400mA@130kV, 320mA@150kV
  • Time Range - 1ms to 10s
  • mAs Range - 0.1 to 800mAs
  • Reproducibility - Coe­cient of Variation : kV < 0.005, Time < 0.005,mAs < 0.01
  • Accuracy - kV < ±(1%+1kV), mA < ±(3%+1mA), Time <±(1%+0.5ms), mAs < ±(3%+0.1mAs)
  • Linearity - Coe­cient of Linearity < 0.01 : CL = (X1-X2)/(X1+X2), where X is mR/mAs
  • Mechanical Parts:
-TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m, stroke rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m - PBT-4: 4 way Floating Tabletop. - WBS-TA: a. Vertical    movement
  1. V Stroke:1,450mm in Upright Bucky
  2. Position, 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
- HVC-15: 15M HV cable - Auto Collimator  
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DrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray system matches with a radiographic room which perfectly fits your workow and can be easily upgraded to DR system with the help of DR interface and PC interface in GXR generator as well as Bucky suitable to Flat Panel Detector. GXR X-ray system is equipped with a high frequency X-ray generator which consistently produces high quality radiograph in favor of high quality X-ray output with a very small kV ripple and accurate mA and mAs. GXR X-ray system is designed to provide convenience to operator and comfort to patient Features of DrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray:
  • PBT-6 is a 4 way Motorized Tabletop with Elevating feature (66cm). A large tabletop with extended travel enables all radiography studies with minimal patient movement. Fully fat tabletop without a frame on the edge makes cleanliness and odors free
  • Automatic Stitching - GXR-SD system provides outstanding automatic stitching function with Source tilting method
  • Digital Flat Panel Detector (FPD) – Wireless 17X14 (Csl, 4336W) with Auto Exposure Detection (AED) function, there is no DR trigger cable between detector and generator.
  • Full Featured Imaging Software & Excellent Digital Image Processing:
  1. Provides convenient user interface and easy operation
  2. Anatomical view-based digital image processing automatically optimizes and enhances the quality of the captured image for the pictured anatomy.
  3. Radiographic stand & automatic collimator control function
  4. DICOM 3.0 networking interface includes Worklist, Print, Store, Query for integration with any PACS or RIS
  • Included – Software, HP Laptop Computer
  1. CPU≥3.2GHz
  2. Memory capacity:≥4GB
  3. Hard drive capacity :≥500 GB
  4. Resolution: 1280 x 1024
  5. Display size: 21 inch color LCD screen
  6. 64 bit Windows 10 operation system
  7. Core: i5
  Technical Specifications of DrGem GXR-SD 400mA Floor Mounted Digital X-ray:
  • Power Rating - 32KW
  • Generator - GXR-32S
  • Rotor - Dual Speed Starter(DSS)
  • Input Power - 400/480VAC, Three phase
  • Line Frequency - 50/60Hz
  • X-ray tube - DXT-12M, (0.6/1.2mm, 300kHU)
  • Tube Voltage - 40 to 150kV, 1kV Step
  • Tube Current – 10 to 640mA
  • Output - 640mA@81kV,  500mA@104kV, 400mA@130kV, 320mA@150kV
  • Time Range - 1ms to 10s
  • mAs Range - 0.1 to 800mAs
  • Reproducibility - Coe­cient of Variation : kV < 0.005, Time < 0.005,mAs < 0.01
  • Accuracy - kV < ±(1%+1kV), mA < ±(3%+1mA), Time <±(1%+0.5ms), mAs < ±(3%+0.1mAs)
  • Linearity - Coe­cient of Linearity < 0.01 : CL = (X1-X2)/(X1+X2), where X is mR/mAs
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DETAILS Upgraded Images with More Clarity SonoScape never stops making progress in improving the image quality of its ultrasound products to enhance the confidence of diagnosis for doctors. With extraordinary images provided by P20, the anatomy structures are clearer than ever. C-Xlasto Imaging With C-xlasto Imaging, P20 enables comprehensive quantitative elastic analysis. Meanwhile, C-xlasto on P20 is supported by linear, convex and transvaginal probes, to ensure good reproducibility and highly consistent quantitative elastic results. S-Live S-Live allows for detailed visualization of subtle anatomical features, thereby enabling intuitive diagnosis with real-time 3D images and enriching patient communication. Pelvic Floor 4D Transperineal 4D pelvic floor ultrasound can provide useful clinical values in assessing the vaginal delivery impact on the female anterior compartment, judging whether the pelvic organs are prolapsed or not and the extent, determining if the pelvic muscles were torn accurately. Anatomic M Mode Anatomic M Mode helps you observe the myocardial motion at different phases by freely placing sample lines. It accurately measures the myocardial thickness and the heart size of even difficult patients and supports the myocardial function and LV wall-motion assessment. Tissue Doppler Imaging P20 is endowed with Tissue Doppler Imaging which provides velocities and other clinical information on myocardial functions, facilitating clinical doctors with the ability to analyze and compare the motions of different parts of the patient's heart.  
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SONOSCAPE E2 DETAILS Auto Image Optimization A portable ultrasound machine with the press of a button, the image is automatically adjusted and optimized, saving you time with parameter adjustments. Additionally, with Auto Focus on, the focus area follows the depth of the ROI box as it is moved in the scanning field, providing users with excellent image quality in the desired area of interest. Automated Calculation Auto IMT is used when determining the level of vascular sclerosis present in the patient by automatically tracing the thickness of the carotid vessels. Auto trace provides users sensitive and accurate wave tracing, avoiding the error of manual trace and giving out calculation result in no time In-Build Battery pack This portable ultrasound machine was equipped with an in-build battery pack which enable the user to perform image scanning when AC power is not available.  
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