
Full Touch Screen Water Purification System


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The Center series uses city tap water as the water source, conveniently and quickly produces secondary RO reverse osmosis water, DI/EDI deionized water and UP ultrapure water. It adopts standard two-stage reverse osmosis system and EDI technology and modules*, and continuously produces Class II pure water with a TOC of more than 10MΩ.cm (25℃) and less than 30ppb*, and ultrapure water of 18.2MΩ.cm (25℃).There are currently four sub-product series of Center (Center-EDI) pure water and ultrapure water, and the system water output is: 45, 60, and 90 liters/hour.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: Hi-Tech


Performance characteristics
  • New 7.0-inch color touch screen

Animated menu, system information at a glance, and a new fingertip touch operation experience.

  • The lab optimized standard two-stage reverse osmosis system

The use of dual pumps, dual membranes and transition water tanks reduces system energy consumption, reduces wastewater and produces more stable water quality.

  • Advanced EDI technology and modules

Providing you with consistent 10MΩ.cm grade high purity water at an optimized operating cost.

  • Removable water tray

Prevent water droplets from splashing, store water in time, facilitate cleaning, and keep the system clean.

  • Built-in double water tank

Built-in 20L PE water tank and 1 20L pressure water bucket, saving more experimental space and eliminating the inconvenience of external water bucket.

Features and Advantages
  • The ultrapure water circulation system can be started and shut down freely to maintain the low bacterial contamination level of the system
  • Ultrapure water full pipeline disinfection program, can manually execute “circulation disinfection”, “water inlet disinfection”, “water tank filling”, “manual sewage discharge”, “stop disinfection”
  • Fully automatic RO membrane anti-scaling flushing (flushing interval and duration can be set) and manual forced flushing program to extend the service life of the RO membrane
  • The life of PP, KDF, AC, RO, UP, UF, TF, and UV consumables can be set, and the used time can be displayed, and automatic replacement reminders will be given when the time expires.
  • Water shortage and water full alarm, source water, RO reverse osmosis water, DI deionized water/UP ultrapure water exceeding the standard alarm
  • Compatible with two pure water storage methods: pressure water bucket and liquid level water tank, which can directly display the water storage capacity of the water tank to meet different application needs
  • System time setting (year/month/day/hour/minute), timed standby (0~60min), timed shutdown (0~24hour) functions
  • Record and check the replacement time of consumables at any time to fully grasp the equipment maintenance information
  • Complete information query and data management functions, fully control system operation status, water quality, consumables usage, timely alarm, historical alarm and other information
  • The entire pipeline adopts quick plug-in interface, and all pipes and joints are NSF certified
  • DOW RO reverse osmosis membrane ensures stable operation and high desalination rate
  • DOW’s high-purity nuclear-grade resin ensures that the water produced reaches 18.2MΩ.cm and reduces TOC precipitation
  • Ultra-long life 254 & 185nm dual wavelength UV lamp, effective sterilization, reducing TOC
  • MWCO 5000D UF ultrafiltration module, effectively removes endotoxins/pyrogens
  • 0.2μm PES polyethersulfone composite membrane terminal filter to ensure pure water quality


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DescriptionShipped From Abroad The Center series uses city tap water as the water source, conveniently and quickly produces secondary RO reverse osmosis water, DI/EDI deionized water and UP ultrapure water. It adopts standard two-stage reverse osmosis system and EDI technology and modules*, and continuously produces Class II pure water with a TOC of more than 10MΩ.cm (25℃) and less than 30ppb*, and ultrapure water of 18.2MΩ.cm (25℃).There are currently four sub-product series of Center (Center-EDI) pure water and ultrapure water, and the system water output is: 45, 60, and 90 liters/hour.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Proven hyperbaric sensing capability
  • You have the ability to change sensors and maintain the unit in the dockyard, reducing costs and downtime
  • Backlit display for low/no light situations
  • Portable and lightweight making it easy to use around the submarine
  • Externally accessible batteries making for more convenient and safer changing
  • MODBUS RTU over RS485 digital communications, allowing for easy incorporation into your existing platform management system, including JANUS enabled underwater communication networks
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Optional Submarine PMS (Platform Management System) integration
  • Customized user interface/HMI
  • Datalogging
  • Download port
  • Visual alarms with alarm location
  • Password protection
  • Choice of gas sensing modules: oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2) and refrigerants
  • Local visual alarms
  • Optional relays
  • Temperature compensated
  • User maintainable
  • Partial pressure sensing
  • MIL-STD-461F compliant
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad The Super series uses city tap water as the water source, and can easily and quickly produce secondary RO (reverse osmosis) water, EDI deionized water and UP ultrapure water. It uses a standard two-stage reverse osmosis system and Ionpure EDI technology and modules to continuously produce Class II pure water with a TOC of more than 10MΩ.cm (25℃) and <30ppb, and ultrapure water of 18.2MΩ.cm (25℃). System water output: 10 liters/hour, and the daily output of pure water can reach 240 liters.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Single gas (user defined)
  • Backward compatible with ADC’s ‘Eclipse’
  • Linearised Output
  • Continuous status signal to check device health
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Fitted with a temperature compensated sensor which offers an expected 3 year life
  • Water and drop resistance, perfect for when using onboard diving trips
  • Compact and robust with minimal maintenance costs
  • Fast and easily transportable
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Performance characteristics
  • New 7.0-inch color touch screen

Animated menu, system information at a glance, and a new fingertip touch operation experience.

  • The lab optimized standard two-stage reverse osmosis system

The use of dual pumps, dual membranes and transition water tanks reduces system energy consumption, reduces wastewater and produces more stable water quality.

  • Advanced EDI technology and modules

Providing you with consistent 10MΩ.cm grade high purity water at an optimized operating cost.

  • Removable water tray

Prevent water droplets from splashing, store water in time, facilitate cleaning, and keep the system clean.

  • Built-in double water tank
Built-in 20L PE water tank and 1 20L pressure water bucket, saving more experimental space and eliminating the inconvenience of external water bucket.
Features and Advantages
  • The ultrapure water circulation system can be started and shut down freely to maintain the low bacterial contamination level of the system
  • Ultrapure water full pipeline disinfection program, can manually execute "circulation disinfection", "water inlet disinfection", "water tank filling", "manual sewage discharge", "stop disinfection"
  • Fully automatic RO membrane anti-scaling flushing (flushing interval and duration can be set) and manual forced flushing program to extend the service life of the RO membrane
  • The life of PP, KDF, AC, RO, UP, UF, TF, and UV consumables can be set, and the used time can be displayed, and automatic replacement reminders will be given when the time expires.
  • Water shortage and water full alarm, source water, RO reverse osmosis water, DI deionized water/UP ultrapure water exceeding the standard alarm
  • Compatible with two pure water storage methods: pressure water bucket and liquid level water tank, which can directly display the water storage capacity of the water tank to meet different application needs
  • System time setting (year/month/day/hour/minute), timed standby (0~60min), timed shutdown (0~24hour) functions
  • Record and check the replacement time of consumables at any time to fully grasp the equipment maintenance information
  • Complete information query and data management functions, fully control system operation status, water quality, consumables usage, timely alarm, historical alarm and other information
  • The entire pipeline adopts quick plug-in interface, and all pipes and joints are NSF certified
  • DOW RO reverse osmosis membrane ensures stable operation and high desalination rate
  • DOW's high-purity nuclear-grade resin ensures that the water produced reaches 18.2MΩ.cm and reduces TOC precipitation
  • Ultra-long life 254 & 185nm dual wavelength UV lamp, effective sterilization, reducing TOC
  • MWCO 5000D UF ultrafiltration module, effectively removes endotoxins/pyrogens
  • 0.2μm PES polyethersulfone composite membrane terminal filter to ensure pure water quality

The Sub Mk3P Continuous Gas Monitor from Analox is designed specifically to monitor life support gasses aboard a submarine in the event of a distressed submarine (DISSUB) situation.

Portable and lightweight, the Sub Mk3P monitor provides crucial information to the senior survivor about the state of the atmosphere inside the submarine during a time of crisis. This information helps that officer make one of the most challenging decisions any submariner ever has to make – attempt to escape the submarine or wait for rescue teams.
Technical Specification

Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Main Unit
Battery power 4 x ‘D’ alkaline cells (Hyperbaric)
External power 24V dc (9-36V dc), <0.5A
Backup batteries 2 x LR43 alkaline manganese cells
Displays 6 x 4 character LCD, with symbols and LED backlights
Operating temperature -5 to 50°C
Storage temperature -5 to 50°C
Operating pressure 0.7 to 10barA
Operating humidity 0 to 100%RH (Non-condensing)
Standards/ compliance NATO STANAG 1476:2014 ANEP/MNEP 85 & 86 (2014) DEF STAN 59-411:2014 (EMC) IACs E10:2014 (MarED) type tested IP65 CE marked (RoHS)"
Dimensions (W, H, D) 240mm x 198mm x 127mm
Weight 2kg with batteries installed
O2 Sensor
Range 0 to 2000mbar pO2
Accuracy ±10mbar (0 to 300mbar pO2) ±50mbar (300 to 2000mbar pO2)
Response time (t90) 20s
Detection mode Electro-chemical
Shelf life (in sealed packaging) 6 months
Expected life (in air) 12 months
CO2 Sensor
Range 0 to 100mbar pCO2
Accuracy ±10mbar
Response time (t90) 60s
Detection mode Infrared
Expected life (in air) 5 years
Pressure Sensor
Range 0.7 to 10barA (-3 to 90MSW or -10 to 300FSW)
Accuracy (including annual drift) -0.07bar +0.04bar
Response time (t90) <1s
Detection mode Piezoresistive
Expected life (in air) >12 months (Replaced as a part of the O2sensor)
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The DAMS (Distributed Atmosphere Monitoring System) is a flexible, robust and fully configurable, submarine atmosphere monitoring system. Designed with you in mind, this life-saving, mission critical equipment offers multi-point sensing for AIP or Diesel Electric subs and is suitable for new submarine designs or mid-life upgrades.

Gas sensors are monitored centrally via the PLC and offer local sensing and alerts for the crew in the aft, middle and fore of your boat, giving you true peace of mind throughout the duration of your patrol.

Technical Specification


No matter a submarine’s size or what country’s flag it flies, it is a fact that no two submarines are the same. Every vessel has unique gas monitoring needs and requires an analytical tool with the versatility to be configured to each vessel’s individual requirements. Each state-of-art DAMS unit is flexible, robust and fully configurable and can monitor up to six different gasses simultaneously from one centralized PLC (programmable logic controller) panel.  


Easily the most versatile and customizable product in the entire Analox line, DAMS quite simply is a centralized hub that allows multiple analyzers and monitors located in multiple locations throughout a submarine to communicate with each other. With the integral communication to the ships platform management systems, should an alarm be triggered, the duty officer is ideally positioned and instantly informed to take appropriate corrective action without having to leave the Con, or central control room.



The modular design of the DAMS incorporates multiple testing technologies including GFC to monitor carbon monoxide (CO), electrochemical for depleted or enriched oxygen (O2), NDIR for carbon dioxide (CO2) and refrigerants (R134a) and Catalytic Bead technology to test for hydrogen (H2). Each DAMS monitor is ideally suited for conventionally powered diesel/electric powered submarines or air-independent propulsion (AIP) designs.

Each DAMS unit is shock, pressure and temperature compensated and tested to withstand the demanding submarine environment. This highly versatile tool can be tailored to customer-specific requirements for EMC (electro-magnetic capability), durability, vibration and noise interference. Having successfully passed rigorous sea trials and laboratory testing, DAMS units are currently deployed with multiple naval groups throughout the world. In response to highly precise military standards and requirements, DAMS is simple to customize and install. Each unit is user maintainable, and has delivered the proven accuracy and reliability demanded by the submarine community. The modular design of DAMS allows for upgrades and changes to the system as the vessel’s operational requirements change throughout the product’s operational life.

Easy Calibration

Each DAMS system can be calibrated by just one person and is extremely easy to maintain, reducing and often eliminating disruptions to normal operations. Analox also offers multi-gas sensors that can be calibrated simultaneously.
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Performance characteristics
  • New 7.0-inch color touch screen

The new 7-inch color 16:9 widescreen high-resolution full touch screen control system provides a new fingertip touch operation experience.

  • 4-channel water quality and 3-channel flow monitoring on the host

Source water, secondary RO water, EDI deionized water, UP ultrapure w

  • The lab optimized standard two-stage reverse osmosis system

The use of dual pumps, dual membranes and transition water tanks reduces system energy consumption and wastewater, ensuring stable water quality under different source water conditions.

ater, 4-way water quality online monitoring and water quality exceeding standard alarm function.

1-way source water flow statistics, EDI deionized water and UP ultrapure water 2-way high-precision quantitative water extraction function.

  • Standard-50L PE pure water tank

The polyethylene pure water tank with conical bottom design contains an air filter, which can effectively absorb CO2, organic matter and filter bacteria and particles, and can be equipped with UV ultraviolet irradiation sterilization components.

Features and Advantages
  • Built-in 3-pump system with primary and secondary RO booster pumps and circulation disinfection pumps to achieve complete two-stage reverse osmosis, system circulation and disinfection functions
  • Full-level filter element alarm prompt function based on time and flow, showing the used and remaining life of consumables
  • Automatic detection and alarm functions such as system water shortage alarm, water tank full alarm, water quality exceeding standard alarm, consumable life end alarm, water leakage protection alarm, etc. provide safety guarantee
  • Fully automatic RO membrane anti-scaling flushing program (flushing interval and duration can be set) to extend the service life of the RO membrane
  • Built-in SD card, can store and view operation data charts and curves, and can be inserted into a USB flash drive for complete data export, providing data traceability
  • With USB interface system program upgrade function, and optional WIFI module
  • Built-in perpetual calendar clock, convenient for consumables management and service settings
  • Ultrapure water full pipeline dosing disinfection function, just add disinfection tablets to start the one-key disinfection program to ensure high-quality pure water
  • Ultrapure water circulation function, which can be started and shut down freely to maintain low bacterial contamination level in the system
  • Factory and customer secondary passwords, system parameter settings are all password protected to prevent unauthorized changes
  • Compatible with 2 pure water storage methods of pressure water barrels to meet different application needs
  • High-strength all-engineering plastic chassis, ergonomic design, beautiful appearance, no corrosion and rust, ensure the cleanliness of the machine body, in line with GLP specifications
  • Unique 4-door design, pretreatment, RO and ultra-purification components, EDI and TOC modules, water tanks and control components adopt independent modular structures, making system maintenance more convenient
  • Pipes and joints are NSF certified to minimize TOC precipitation in the system and ensure the highest pure water quality
  • Powerful pre-treatment components, combined with 5μm PP transparent filter, KDF composite filter, coconut shell water-washing grade precision activated carbon filter, effectively protect the RO membrane
  • DOW RO reverse osmosis membrane, RO membrane components optimized by The lab, achieve the combination of long life, stability and high desalination rate of RO membrane
  • The new integrated ultra-purification component of DOW resin ensures that the water produced reaches 18.2MΩ.cm and reduces TOC precipitation
  • Ultra-long life 254&185nm dual wavelength UV lamp, combined with medical grade 316L flow hood, effectively sterilizes, reduces TOC, and enhances the system's application range
  • UF ultrafiltration components, molecular weight cut-off: MWCO5000D, effectively remove pyrogens/endotoxins, can be used for precision cell culture and IVF
  • Double-layer terminal sterilizing filter, accuracy: (0.45+0.1)μm, using PES polyethersulfone composite filter membrane, double-layer filtration design to ensure the terminal effluent is sterile
Technical Parameters
name Basic Heat removal prototype Low organic matter type Comprehensive Built-in TOC monitor
model Super 10 Super 10F Super 10V Super 10FV Super-TOC10V Super-TOC 10FV
Pure water output 10 L/hour
Ultrapure water output Up to 2.0L/min (when there is water in the water tank)
Ultrapure water index
Resistivity (25℃) 18.2MΩ.cm
Total Organic Carbon TOC* <10ppb <10ppb <3ppb <3ppb <3ppb <3ppb
bacteria <0.01cfu/ml
Particles (>0.1μm) <1/ml
Pyrogens/endotoxins N/A <0.001Eu/ml N/A <0.001Eu/ml N/A <0.001Eu/ml
RNases N/A <1pg/ml N/A <1pg/ml N/A <1pg/ml
Deoxyribonucleases (DNases) N/A <5pg/ml N/A <5pg/ml N/A <5pg/ml
Pure water index
Resistivity* >5MΩ.cm
Total Organic Carbon (TOC)* <30ppb
Silicon Rejection Rate >99.9%
Source water requirements Urban drinking tap water, water temperature 5-45℃, water pressure 1.0-4.0Kgf/cm2
Size and weight Length × width × height: 545 × 470 × 649 mm, weight: about 35 kg
Electrical requirements 220-240V, 50/60Hz
power 240W
System Configuration Host (including 1 set of purification column) + TOC monitor (TOC type) + 50L PE ultrapure water storage tank
The Venus Solo OEM sensor is a self-contained unit designed for integration into other manufacturers’ equipment and provides a measurement of gas concentration according to specific user requirements. These GFC (Gas Filter Correlation) sensors generate a signal proportional to the infrared absorption of the measured gas. Providing the gas concentration lies within the designed range of the sensor, the signal is periodically compared with a reference gas. Gas concentrations are indicated through the non-linearised analogue signal output. Gas connections to and from the sensor are via suitable fittings on the gas measuring cell. The Venus Solo OEM Series sensors electrical supply is designed to accept 24V DC (3amp max). Our Venus Solo OEM sensor uses GFC (Gas Filter Correlation) technology to give highly accurate gas measurements. The Venus Solo can be integrated into your own gas analyzer or management system and offers the user a 0-2.5v analogue output.

The sensor is currently available as either: Carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (N20), methane (CH4) or nitric oxide (NO). If your application requires a different gas, just let us know and we can customise it to your needs. The Venus Solo is used in Military applications to protect submariners from carbon monoxide (CO) exposure.  

Technical Specification
Venus Solo
The O2 Portable is an oxygen monitor designed to provide sample readings from cylinders containing different levels of O2. The O2 Portable is supplied with a sampling adaptor to be easily fitted to cylinders. O2 MONITORING WITH THE O2 PORTABLE

Ensuring the oxygen content of a cylinder is correct is vital to ensure the safety of the end user. The O2 Portable provides a fast and accurate reading of O2 levels in that cylinder, easy to use as an instant spot check, the handheld unit is quick and simple to operate, with a robust design. The O2 Portable has a large digital display and operates from an internal temperature compensated 3 year life (expected) electrochemical oxygen sensor. Power is provided by a 9V, 4000-hour life battery giving up to 3 years of operation before replacement is necessary.  

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