Lanolin Cream


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The soothing, moisturizing, and healing effects of lanolin cream have been known to benefit nearly every skin type.

PharmAust Health’s Lanolin cream is mostly comprised of lanolin oil, which is extracted from sheep’s wool.


Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: PharmAust


Product Description

Lanolin cream has been used for decades in a wide variety of applications, from lotions that soften rough heels, to soothing severely dry skin, and easing the chapped and cracked skin on the nipples of nursing mothers.

Lanolin is a natural and organic chemical that is mainly known for its moisturizing effects on the skin.

PharmAust Health’s Lanolin cream is mostly comprised of lanolin oil, which is extracted from sheep’s wool.

The oil occurs naturally within the wool and is taken out before the wool is processed.

Most lanolin cream products contain other ingredients, but our cream contains only Wool Fat BP, Liquid Paraffin BP and Purified Water BP. Its moisturizing properties are highly valued in a number of skin care treatments because it penetrates deeper into dry skin, and doesn’t just moisturize, but also creates a barrier in the underlying layers of skin to prevent moisture from escaping. This keeps skin supple longer, which means that those who use lanolin cream don’t have to apply it as often. While lanolin cream is used widely in beauty regimens, it is also well known for use on skin that is cracked or extremely dry. People who suffer from calloused heels and hands can benefit from this cream, as it helps the skin to retain its natural moisture in addition to the moisture contained within the cream.

Lanolin cream is also popular with people who have recurring skin conditions that cause scaling and itching skin, as the moisturizing properties of this cream ease the itching, while making the skin softer.

Skin that is dry, cracked, and bleeding from extreme weather conditions can also benefit from lanolin cream, as the moisture barrier it creates keeps the skin from repeatedly cracking and helps to seal in moisture.

Anyone who is fighting overly dry and thickening skin may want to consider adding a lanolin cream to their skin care regimen. Women who wear sandals or high heels often find that the skin on their heels starts to thicken, crack, and peel from friction and exposure. When this happens, everyday moisturizers usually have no effect on skin that is this damaged, because they cannot penetrate deeply enough into the layers. Over time, the skin continues to thicken and becomes scaly and even discoloured.

However, PharmAust Health’s lanolin cream can penetrate the layers of dead skin to soften them so that they can be removed with exfoliating tools, leaving the skin on the heel smoother and moisturized. It is usually most effective to apply our lanolin cream before you go to bed so that it sinks into the skin overnight and penetrates the dead layers for easy removal the following morning.


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SettingsLanolin Cream removeMIR Spirolab Spirometer removeFlowMir Disposable Turbine with Cardboard Mouthpiece removeBistos BT- 720 Patient Monitor removeBistos BT- 740 Patient Monitor removeLittmann Classic III Stethoscope remove
NameLanolin Cream removeMIR Spirolab Spirometer removeFlowMir Disposable Turbine with Cardboard Mouthpiece removeBistos BT- 720 Patient Monitor removeBistos BT- 740 Patient Monitor removeLittmann Classic III Stethoscope remove
ImageMIR Spirolab SpirometerFlowMir Disposable Turbine with Cardboard MouthpieceBistos BT-720 Patient MonitorBistos BT- 740 Patient MonitorLittmann Classic III Stethoscope







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DescriptionShipped From Abroad

The soothing, moisturizing, and healing effects of lanolin cream have been known to benefit nearly every skin type.

PharmAust Health’s Lanolin cream is mostly comprised of lanolin oil, which is extracted from sheep’s wool.

Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In Stock
Spirometry test:
FVC, VC, MVV, PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison with a wide range of selectable parameters. Pediatric Incentive for Spirometry. Each function can be easily activated by a simple touch on the bar menu Stand Alone Mode Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In stock Spirometry testing requires maximum accuracy and hygiene. Each Flowmir disposable turbine, which includes a cardboard mouthpiece, has been individually factory calibrated with a computerized system and it is packaged individually. FlowMIR® is an inexpensive alternative to a costly reusable flowmeter and replaces the need for an antibacterial filter Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from abroad Bistos BT - 720 Patient Monitor: Bistos Portable Patient Vital Signs Monitor, SpO2, Pulse, *NIBP, BT-720. The Bistos BT-720 is a compact size vital signs monitor with the standard parameters of SpO2 and Pulse. You can also add the NIBP and/or Masimo SpO2 at an additional cost. The BT-720 has a 4.3" color touch screen The PC software allows the vital signs information to be transferred and analyzed on a computer. Delivery & Availability: Typically 7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad Bistos BT - 740 Patient Monitor: Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitor, ECG, Resp., SpO2, NIBP, Temp., BT-740. The Bistos BT-740 is a multi-parameter patient monitor with an 8.4" TFT Color screen. The standard paramaters are ECG, respiratory, SpO2, NIBP and temperature. Additional options are EtCO2, IBP, Multi-gas, CO and Masimo SpO2. The BT-740 has a fanless design for quiet operation. Delivery & Availability: Typically 7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock The Classic III stethoscope brings new design, materials, and technology to the Littmann stethoscope series that’s been used and trusted by millions of medical professionals worldwide for decades. With a two-sided chestpiece, dual tunable diaphragms, improved tubing, and much more, the Classic III stethoscope combines the best of new and traditional.

Delivery & Availability:

Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Product Description
Lanolin cream has been used for decades in a wide variety of applications, from lotions that soften rough heels, to soothing severely dry skin, and easing the chapped and cracked skin on the nipples of nursing mothers. Lanolin is a natural and organic chemical that is mainly known for its moisturizing effects on the skin. PharmAust Health’s Lanolin cream is mostly comprised of lanolin oil, which is extracted from sheep’s wool. The oil occurs naturally within the wool and is taken out before the wool is processed. Most lanolin cream products contain other ingredients, but our cream contains only Wool Fat BP, Liquid Paraffin BP and Purified Water BP. Its moisturizing properties are highly valued in a number of skin care treatments because it penetrates deeper into dry skin, and doesn’t just moisturize, but also creates a barrier in the underlying layers of skin to prevent moisture from escaping. This keeps skin supple longer, which means that those who use lanolin cream don’t have to apply it as often. While lanolin cream is used widely in beauty regimens, it is also well known for use on skin that is cracked or extremely dry. People who suffer from calloused heels and hands can benefit from this cream, as it helps the skin to retain its natural moisture in addition to the moisture contained within the cream. Lanolin cream is also popular with people who have recurring skin conditions that cause scaling and itching skin, as the moisturizing properties of this cream ease the itching, while making the skin softer. Skin that is dry, cracked, and bleeding from extreme weather conditions can also benefit from lanolin cream, as the moisture barrier it creates keeps the skin from repeatedly cracking and helps to seal in moisture. Anyone who is fighting overly dry and thickening skin may want to consider adding a lanolin cream to their skin care regimen. Women who wear sandals or high heels often find that the skin on their heels starts to thicken, crack, and peel from friction and exposure. When this happens, everyday moisturizers usually have no effect on skin that is this damaged, because they cannot penetrate deeply enough into the layers. Over time, the skin continues to thicken and becomes scaly and even discoloured. However, PharmAust Health’s lanolin cream can penetrate the layers of dead skin to soften them so that they can be removed with exfoliating tools, leaving the skin on the heel smoother and moisturized. It is usually most effective to apply our lanolin cream before you go to bed so that it sinks into the skin overnight and penetrates the dead layers for easy removal the following morning.
Spirometry test:
FVC, VC, MVV, PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison with a wide range of selectable parameters. Paediatric Incentive for Spirometry. Each function can be easily activated by a simple touch on the bar menu Stand Alone Mode. Colour screen Touchscreen 7 inches TFT display Database up to 10,000 Spirometry tests or 900 hours of Oximetry recording coupled with powerful and flexible search services. Optional function available: Oximeter with adult or paediatric finger probe. Long life Rechargeable Battery. Available with both DISPOSABLE or REUSABLE turbine flowmeter. PC based mode, using WinspiroPRO® Bluetooth® 2.1 and USB Connectivity Wireless or via cable Real Time test directly on your PC. Winspiro PRO® PC software provides Real Time Flow/Volume and Volume/Time curves with PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison on your PC. Includes free online updates. Paediatric Incentive for Spirometry with wide choice of pictures and animations. Spirometry test after drug adminitration Bronchodilator Reversibility, Bronchial Challenge with FEV1-response curve with protocols for both Methacholine and Mannitol. Quanjer 2012-GLI Predicted values with LLN and Z-score Patient Trend Charts for easy follow-up Search engine for instant access to database. Wide choice of communication protocols for integration with EMR.
Spirometry parameters: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEV1/VC, PEF, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25–75, FEF75–85, Lung Age, Extrapolated Volume, FET, Time to PEF, FEV0.5, FEV0.5/FVC, FEV0.75, FEV0.75/FVC, FEV2, FEV2/FVC, FEV3, FEV3/FVC, FEV6, FEV1/ FEV6, FEV1/PEF, FEV1/ FEV0.5, FIVC, FIV1, FIV1/FIVC, PIF, FIF25, FIF50, FIF75, FEF50/FIF50, VC, IVC, IC, ERV, IRV, Rf, VE, VT, tI, tE, VT/tI, tE/tTOT, MVV (measured), MVV (calculated).  
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    • Comfortable Packaging
    • Singularly Tested and Packed
    • Always 100% accurate and hygienic
    • No Calibration required
    • No Sterilization required
    • No Antibacterial Filter required
    • No Cross Contamination
    • Not affected by Vapour Condensation
    • Not affected by Ambient conditions
    •  A full Spirometry session can be performed, including a Bronchial Challenge and POST Bronchodilator test. For each patient after the Spirometry test, both turbine and spirometer mouthpiece are thrown away
    • .
Bistos BT - 720 Patient Monitor: Bistos Portable Patient Vital Signs Monitor, SpO2, Pulse, *NIBP, BT-720. The Bistos BT-720 is a compact size vital signs monitor with the standard parameters of SpO2 and Pulse. You can also add the NIBP and/or Masimo SpO2 at an additional cost. The BT-720 has a 4.3" color touch screen The PC software allows the vital signs information to be transferred and analyzed on a computer. Features:
  • 3" color touch screen
  • Standard Confirgurations: SpO2 and Pulse
  • Optioal NIBP and Masimo SpO2
  • Short/long trend graphic/trend table display
  • Audio and visual alarm, adjustable alarm limit
  • Automatic brightness adjustment
  • Accurate SpO2 reading during motion or low perfusion
  • Perfusion index data / bar graphic display
  • Pitch tone variation for pulse rate
  • Internal memory for data storage
  • SD card for easy software upgrade
  • Over 8 hours of operation with the re-chargeable li-ion battery
  • PC software for data review and analysis on a computer
  Technical Specifications:
Model BT-720
Display 4.3" Color LCD Touch Screen
SpO2 Measurement Range 0-100%
Accuracy (70-100%) Adult/Pediatric +/- 2%
Neonate +/- 3%
Accuracy (0-69%) Unspecified
Perfusion Index 0.05-20%
Pulse Rate Range (bpm) 25-250
NIBP* (Optional) Method Automatic Oscillometric
Operation Mode Manual/Automatic/STAT
Parameter Systolic/Diastolic/Mean
Systolic Range (mmHg) Adult 40-270
Pediatric 40-200
Neonate 40-130
Diastolic Range Adult 100-210
Pediatric 100-160
Neonate 10-90
Mean Range Adult 20-230
Pediatric 20-175
Neonate 20-100
SpO2 Masimo* (Optional) Masimo SpO2
Battery Type (Capacity) Li-ion (4400mAh)
Run time 8 Hours
Charging Time 8 Hours
Interface RJ45, SD Card Slot
Warranty 2 Years
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Bistos BT - 740 Patient Monitor: Bistos Patient Vital Signs Monitor, ECG, Resp., SpO2, NIBP, Temp., BT-740. The Bistos BT-740 is a multi-parameter patient monitor with an 8.4" TFT Color screen. The standard paramaters are ECG, respiratory, SpO2, NIBP and temperature. Additional options are EtCO2, IBP, Multi-gas, CO and Masimo SpO2. The BT-740 has a fanless design for quiet operation. Features:
  • 8.4" TFT Color Screen - (Optional Touch Screen Upgrade)
  • Standard parameters are ECG, Resp., SpO2, NIBP, Temp.
  • Ultra-low power consumption
  • Quiet operation
  • High accuracy SpO2 reading
  • Data transfer or firmware upgrade via USB
  • 2 Years Manufacturer's Warranty
  Technical Specifications:
Model BT-740
Display 8.4" Color TFT Screen
ECG Lead type 3/5 Lead
Gain Selection x0.25, x0.5, x1, x2, x4, auto
Sweep speed (mm/s) 12.5, 25, 50
Bandwith:(Diagnostic Mode) 0.05-130Hz
Monitoring Mode 0.5-40Hz
Surgery Mode 1-25Hz
Strong Mode 5-20Hz
Heart Rate Range (bpm) Adult:15-300
Pediatric/neonate: 15-350
Respiration Method Trance-thoracic Impedance
Measurement Range 0-120rpm
Sweep Speed (mm/s) 6.25, 12.5, 25
SpO2 Measurement Range 0-100%
Accuracy (70-100%) Adult/Pediatric +/-2%
Neonate +/-3%
Accuracy (0-69%) Unspecified
Perfusion Index 0.05-20%
Pulse Rate Range (bpm) 25-250bpm
NIBP** Method Automatic (Oscillometric)
Operation Mode Manual/Auto/STAT
Parameter Systolic, Diastolic, Mean
Systolic Range (mmHg) Adult 40-270
Pediatric 40-200
Neonate 40-130
Diastolic Range (mmHg) Adult 10-210
Pediatric 10-160
Neonate 10-90
Mean Range (mmHg) Adult 20-230
Pediatric 20-175
Neonate 20-100
Temperature Range 0-50°C
Parameter T1, T2 and TD
IBP" Channel 2 Channel, 4 Channel
Range (mmHg) -50-400
Printer* Type Thermal dot array
Print Speed (mm/s) 12.5, 25, 50
Paper Size (mm) 50
CO2* Sidestream Masimo ISA / Bistos
Mainstream Masimo IRMA / Bistos
Multi-gas O2* Masimo ISA
SpO2 Masimo* Masimo SpO2
CO* Method Thermodilution
Range 0.2-20 L/min
Battery Type (Capacity) Li-ion (440mAh)
Run Time 6 hour
Charging Time 4 hour
Interface RJ45, USB, Nursing Call
Warranty 2 Years
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The Classic III stethoscope brings new design, materials, and technology to the Littmann stethoscope series that’s been used and trusted by millions of medical professionals worldwide for decades. With a two-sided chestpiece, dual tunable diaphragms, improved tubing, and much more, the Classic III stethoscope combines the best of new and traditional. Full adult and pediatric auscultation is available through its dual head chestpiece simply by rotating the central spline to alternate between the two sides. The more compact one piece diaphragm and rim assemblies have further increased acoustic sensitivity. The binaurals have been redesigned with larger diameter ear tubes and a thicker single lumen binaural to transfer sound more effectively. The selector spline is now recessed to allow a flush fit with the binaural tube and now features a visual indicator for easy identification of the operational diaphragm. Features
  • NEW: double-sided, dual diaphragm chestpiece for both adult and paediatric assessment.
  • NEW: The paediatric side is also easily transformed into a traditional open bell by replacing the single-piece diaphragm with the supplied non-chill rim.
  • NEW: chestpiece is precision-machined into an aesthetically pleasing, less angular shape.
  • NEW: single-piece diaphragm instead of separate diaphragm/rim making it easier to attach and easier to clean due to the smooth unbroken surface.
  • NEW: The stem features an open side indicator to easily identify which diaphragm is in operation.
  • NEW: next-generation tubing gives even longer tube life with improved resistance to skin oils, alcohol and staining.
  • 3M’s ‘Tunable Technology’ lets you easily switch from low to high frequency sounds by switching from light to firm pressure on both the adult and paediatric sides of the chestpiece.
  • High acoustic sensitivity when performing general physical assessment.
  • Laser engraving of text and symbols to personalise your scope and avoid theft/loss
  • Larger ear tubes on the anatomically designed headset comfortably positioned for better sound transfer. Easy adjustment by simply squeezing or pulling apart the eartubes.
  • Comfortable Snap-Tight soft seal eartips create an excellent acoustic seal to reduce ambient noise.
  • No natural rubber latex or phthalate plasticisers are used in the tubing or any other component—to help protect health and the environment.
  • Complement your personal style with Littmann’s large range of chestpiece finishes and tubing colours.
  • Used as a diagnostic aid as part of the physical assessment of a patient.
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