Mainstream Multigas Module AneSure-M


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Mainstream Anesthesia Multi-Gas Module, simultaneously measures the concentration waveform and data of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and anesthetic gas, as well as respiratory rate. The types of anesthetic gas measured include halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane. The user can manually select the type of anesthetic gas.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: Kingst


Features of Mainstream Multigas Module AneSure-M
  • Reliable multi gas OEM solution

Equipped With Oxygen Battery. Reliable multi-gas OEM solution, compatible with a variety of protocols, so that your products can be quickly upgraded and assembled.

  • Mainstream Mode

Can simultaneously measure the concentration waveform and data of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and anesthetic gas, as well as respiratory rate. The types of anesthetic gas measured include halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane. The user can manually select the type of anesthetic gas.

  • Plug And Play

The host does not need an internal circuit, just a serial port. The data can be measured within 4 seconds after powering on. It is suitable for adults, children, and newborns, with excellent cost performance and low cost.

  • Automatic Pressure Compensation

There is an atmospheric pressure sensor inside, which is suitable for various altitude ranges. High-precision. Careful selection of infrared devices, hardware design, and software algorithm, to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio, to ensure the measurement accuracy for a temperature range of – 5-50 °C and in the range of 0 – 20%.


Specifications of Anesthesia Multi-gas Detector AneSure™-M
Working condition 5°C to 50°C, 10 to 90% RH, noncondensing
Circumstance pressure 55-115kpa
Power consumption <180 mA
Interface RS-232/Standard E-8-1, 38.4 kBaud,10 ms data interval (KM) or customized communication protocol
EtCO2, FiCO2 measurement range:0-150 mmHg, 0-20 kPa, 0-19.7%

Accuracy:±2mmHg for CO2 range 0 – 40mmHg

±5% for CO2 range from 41 – 70mmHg

±8% for CO2 range from 71 – 100mmHg

±10% Over 100mmHg

FiN2O, EtN2O measurement Range: 0-100%

Accuracy: ± (2 vol% + 2% of reading

FiHAL/EtHAL, FiENF/EtENF, FiISO/EtISO measurement Range: 0-12%

Accuracy: 0-8%: ± (0.15 vol% + 5% of reading)

8-12%: unspecified

FiSEV, EtSEV measurement Range: 0-15%

Accuracy: 0-10%: ± (0.15 vol% + 5% of reading)

10-15%: unspecified

FiDES, EtDES measurement Range:0-25%

Accuracy: 0-18%: ± (0.15 vol% + 5% of reading)

18-25%: unspecified

Gas compensation O2 (HOST supplied), or automatically compensation if O2 equipped
Barometric Pressure Having barometric pressure sensor and automatically compensation
Warm-up time 10 seconds reach designed deviation 97%,

20 seconds reach designed deviation.

Rise times (t10- 90 %) CO2:<70ms

N2O and AGENT:<300ms

Calibration No need to calibrate
Zero Implement when replacing adaptor


Application Scenarios of Anesthesia Multi-gas Detector AneSure™-M
  • Equipped with an Oxygen battery, reliable multi-gas OEM solution, compatible with a variety of protocols, so that your products can be quickly upgraded and assembled.
  • Mainstream mode can simultaneously measure the concentration waveform and data of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and anesthetic gas, as well as respiratory rate. The types of anesthetic gas measured include halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane. The user can manually select the type of anesthetic gas.
  • Plug and play, the host does not need an internal circuit, just a serial port. The data can be measured within 4 seconds after powering on. It is suitable for adults, children, and newborns, with excellent cost performance and low cost.
  • Automatic pressure compensation. There is an atmospheric pressure sensor inside, which is suitable for various altitude ranges. High-precision. Careful selection of infrared devices, hardware design, and software algorithm, to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio, to ensure the measurement accuracy for the temperature range of – 5-50 °C and in the range of 0 – 20%.


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DescriptionShipped From Abroad Mainstream Anesthesia Multi-Gas Module, simultaneously measures the concentration waveform and data of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and anesthetic gas, as well as respiratory rate. The types of anesthetic gas measured include halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane. The user can manually select the type of anesthetic gas.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad
  • Compact design
  • save space in O.R or Laboratory Room
  • High quality & Durability design
  • Easy operation & easy maintenance
  • New integrated respiratory circuit available with own patent
  • LED Ventilator inside & One standard ZF-1000 precise vaporizer
  • Optional: Two precise ZF-1000 vaporizers
Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad he Morpheus LT is an anesthetic machine suitable for treatment of adults, children and new-borns. lt is provided with a mechanical 3-gas flowmeters group and a group tor rapid connection of two vaporizers in line and it is supplied with an advanced manual ventilation system, APL system, or AUX system with traditional To-and-Fro valve switched on and off automatically by ventilator. The unit frame is made tor 30% of light alloy and for 70% of fullyrecyclable plastic materiai. Thanks to the materiai used, the Morpheus has a total weight of less than 80 kgs. Delivery & Availability: Typically 15 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad The MORPHEUS M is an anaesthesia machine and it can be used on adult, children and newborn patients. The MORPHEUS M is suitable for administration of Oxygen – Air – Nitrous Oxide – Halothane – Enflurane – Isoflurane – Sevoflurane – Desflurane mixtures. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad CryoIQ device is perfectly fitted for treatment of warts and other common skin lesions. Its unique construction with a built-in non-return valve prevents gas leakage thus giving a maximum use of the gas content. Areas of application are general practice, dermatology, pediatrics, podiatry, aesthetics, veterinary and gynecology/urology.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Features of Mainstream Multigas Module AneSure-M
  • Reliable multi gas OEM solution
Equipped With Oxygen Battery. Reliable multi-gas OEM solution, compatible with a variety of protocols, so that your products can be quickly upgraded and assembled.
  • Mainstream Mode
Can simultaneously measure the concentration waveform and data of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and anesthetic gas, as well as respiratory rate. The types of anesthetic gas measured include halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane. The user can manually select the type of anesthetic gas.
  • Plug And Play
The host does not need an internal circuit, just a serial port. The data can be measured within 4 seconds after powering on. It is suitable for adults, children, and newborns, with excellent cost performance and low cost.
  • Automatic Pressure Compensation
There is an atmospheric pressure sensor inside, which is suitable for various altitude ranges. High-precision. Careful selection of infrared devices, hardware design, and software algorithm, to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio, to ensure the measurement accuracy for a temperature range of - 5-50 °C and in the range of 0 - 20%.  
Specifications of Anesthesia Multi-gas Detector AneSure™-M
Working condition 5°C to 50°C, 10 to 90% RH, noncondensing
Circumstance pressure 55-115kpa
Power consumption <180 mA
Interface RS-232/Standard E-8-1, 38.4 kBaud,10 ms data interval (KM) or customized communication protocol
EtCO2, FiCO2 measurement range:0-150 mmHg, 0-20 kPa, 0-19.7% Accuracy:±2mmHg for CO2 range 0 - 40mmHg ±5% for CO2 range from 41 - 70mmHg ±8% for CO2 range from 71 - 100mmHg ±10% Over 100mmHg
FiN2O, EtN2O measurement Range: 0-100% Accuracy: ± (2 vol% + 2% of reading
FiHAL/EtHAL, FiENF/EtENF, FiISO/EtISO measurement Range: 0-12% Accuracy: 0-8%: ± (0.15 vol% + 5% of reading) 8-12%: unspecified
FiSEV, EtSEV measurement Range: 0-15% Accuracy: 0-10%: ± (0.15 vol% + 5% of reading) 10-15%: unspecified
FiDES, EtDES measurement Range:0-25% Accuracy: 0-18%: ± (0.15 vol% + 5% of reading) 18-25%: unspecified
Gas compensation O2 (HOST supplied), or automatically compensation if O2 equipped
Barometric Pressure Having barometric pressure sensor and automatically compensation
Warm-up time 10 seconds reach designed deviation 97%, 20 seconds reach designed deviation.
Rise times (t10- 90 %) CO2:<70ms N2O and AGENT:<300ms
Calibration No need to calibrate
Zero Implement when replacing adaptor
Application Scenarios of Anesthesia Multi-gas Detector AneSure™-M
  • Equipped with an Oxygen battery, reliable multi-gas OEM solution, compatible with a variety of protocols, so that your products can be quickly upgraded and assembled.
  • Mainstream mode can simultaneously measure the concentration waveform and data of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and anesthetic gas, as well as respiratory rate. The types of anesthetic gas measured include halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane. The user can manually select the type of anesthetic gas.
  • Plug and play, the host does not need an internal circuit, just a serial port. The data can be measured within 4 seconds after powering on. It is suitable for adults, children, and newborns, with excellent cost performance and low cost.
  • Automatic pressure compensation. There is an atmospheric pressure sensor inside, which is suitable for various altitude ranges. High-precision. Careful selection of infrared devices, hardware design, and software algorithm, to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio, to ensure the measurement accuracy for the temperature range of - 5-50 °C and in the range of 0 - 20%.
  • Compact design
  • save space in O.R or Laboratory Room
  • High quality & Durability design
  • Easy operation & easy maintenance
  • New integrated respiratory circuit available with own patent
  • LED Ventilator inside & One standard ZF-1000 precise vaporizer
  • Optional: Two precise ZF-1000 vaporizers
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The Morpheus LT is an anesthetic machine suitable for treatment of adults, children and new-borns. lt is provided with a mechanical 3-gas flowmeters group and a group tor rapid connection of two vaporizers in line and it is supplied with an advanced manual ventilation system, APL system, or AUX system with traditional To-and-Fro valve switched on and off automatically by ventilator. The unit frame is made tor 30% of light alloy and for 70% of fullyrecyclable plastic materiai. Thanks to the materiai used, the Morpheus has a total weight of less than 80 kgs. LUNG VENTILATOR The ventilator works by a microprocessor electronic control system with a simple and intuitive interface, which allows the anesthetist to operate in a clear and safe way. The system is provided with 3 dedicated software to have automatically the default settings for adult and paediatric patients and new-borns. lt is provided with the automatic compensation of dead space, the leakages calculation and the automatic calibration of Fi02. Operative Modes: MAN VC-VC PCV-APCV APCV P -SIMV V- SIMV Measured parameters: PAW RATE VM - VTE T INSP Fi02 MANUAL VENTILATION SYSTEM The Morpheus is equipped with an advanced manual ventilation system that can be switched on and off automatically by the ventilator; the operator can select the APL system or the AUX system with traditional T-and-Fro valve and 02 by pass safety system. BREATHING SYSTEM The patient group of Morpheus LT is compact, lightweight for manual removal and fully autoclavable. The patient circuit group is supplied with an automatic heating system avoiding humidity with possibility to use reusable and rechargeable CO, absorbers (TOP SPECIAL) of 1 kg. Absorber is with quick-release enabling replacement also during anaesthesia. The group is supplied with an exposed bellow that can be manually inspected. The MorpheusLT is equipped with 3 wide and large drawers and a large work-shelf to facilitate operating rooms procedures.
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The MORPHEUS M is an anaesthesia machine and it can be used on adult, children and newborn patients. The MORPHEUS M is suitable for administration of Oxygen – Air – Nitrous Oxide – Halothane – Enflurane – Isoflurane – Sevoflurane – Desflurane mixtures. Features:
  • Mechanic gas mixing system
  • Electronic lung ventilator with 12” TFT colour display
  • Valves group: open, semi-closed, closed, heated, with soda lime absorber (1,5 Kg)
  • SIARETEX rapid connection device, Selectatec compatible for 2 vaporizers
  • Gas supply group
  • Ventilation modalities: APCV-PCV; APCV-TV; PSV; APNEA BACK-UP; VC-VAC; VC-VAC BABY; SIMV+PS (volumetric); SPONT; MANUAL.
  • Measured parameters: PAW; PEEP; Vte; ExpMV; Rate; I:E; FiO2, Pmax; Pmean; Pause; Vti; FLOWi; FLOWe; Tinsp; Tesp; Tpause; Cs; Ri
  • Displayed ventilation curves: Paw, Flow, Volume, Loop (Volume/Paw ; Volume/Flow)
  • Adjustable parameters: – O2 built-in Mixer device from 21% to 99% – I:E Adjustable Ratio: 1:1-1:2-1:3-1:4-2:1-3:1 – Inspiratory Flow – PEEP – Breathing Rate – Minute Volume; – Tidal Volume – Inspiratory Pressure Limit – Inspiratory Pause – Inspiratory Time – Trigger
  • Mechanic flowmeter module: 3-flow mechanical flow meter (O2 – N2O – AIR) with 5 flow meters for low flows. Equipped with safety systems (MIX-LIFE, CUT-OFF, flow meter protection valve).
  • Breathing system: The breathing system of Morpheus guarantees to the user an absolute flexibility and easy handling thanks to the noble construction materials employed. The valves group can be drawn-up and it’s totally autoclavable at 121°C and all its parts are manually dismountable, with no need of special tools.The breathing system is made of; Calibrated APL valve, Fresh gas collecting bag, O2 cell for reading of FiO2, Removable 1 kg soda lime canister, Manually inspectionable bellows jar, Safety valve for ambience air suction in case of fresh gas failure, Flow transducer inside the group located on the expiratory line.
Optional accessories 11054 AIRPAK 54 stand-alone medical air compressor 100150/IDF Isoflurane Vaporizer 100148/IDF Fluo-Halotane Vaporizer 100145/IDF Sevoflurane Vaporizer 100151/IDF Desflurane Vaporizer A57.049-800601 gas analysis module (5 AA – CO2 – N2O – O2 – MAC)  
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CryoIQ device is perfectly fitted for treatment of warts and other common skin lesions. Its unique construction with a built-in non-return valve prevents gas leakage thus giving a maximum use of the gas content. Areas of application are general practice, dermatology, pediatrics, podiatry, aesthetics, veterinary and gynecology/urology. The device uses a state-of-the-art cooling technology that does not require handling of potentially dangerous gases and liquids meaning that the gas cartridge is safely replaced when empty. The device features an ergonomic design where the cooling medium is evenly, accurately and economically distributed by depressing the metering lever. Features:
  • Simple pencil type grip for an easy and very accurate application
  • Freezing temperature
    • Liquid spray freezing, -89°C / -128°F
  • Level of cold generated is adjusted by the rate at which the metering lever is depressed
  • CE marked according to Medical Device IIa
  Technical Specifications: Name: CryoIQ® DERM plus Liquid CIQ-DP-L Delivered in: Plastic case Included in delivery: 1 gas cartridge (16 gram) with valve Weight: 82 gram (including 16 gram cartridge) Dimensions: Diameter: 22 mm / Length: 120 mm Freezing temperature: -89°C / -128°F Material: Gold plated metal Patented: Yes CE marked: According to medical device IIA Warranty: 1 years (2 years after Product registration) Gas cartridge: 16 or 25 gram Nitrous Oxide Gas (N2O) Medical sterile Built-in filter (5 µm)  


The device is used to drain ascitic fluid and pleural liquid, it contains everything necessary for performing thoracentesis and paracentesis procedure (needles  syringe and collection bag). Products are customized upon request.  
Reference Description Qty per box
H92000E TORASET 1-55 30 pcs
H92010E TORASET 1-80 30 pcs
H92020E TORASET 1-VER 30 pcs
H92030E TORASET2-55 30 pcs
H92040E TORASET 2-80 30 pcs
H92050E TORASET 2-VER 30 pcs
H92001E TORAMATIC 1-55 30 pcs
H92011E TORAMATIC 1-80 30 pcs
H92021E TORAMATIC 1-VER 30 pcs
H92120E PARASET 2 30 pcs
H92160E PARASET 5 20 pcs
H92200E PARASET 8 20 pcs
H92240E PARASET 12 15 pcs
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