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MIR Spirobank II Basic


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The Spirobank II Spirometer basic is an affordable way for you to offer screening spirometry for a great price to your practice. You can use this spirometer remotely, or you can use it as an online spirometer with your PC.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 7-14 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.

Brands:: MIR


The Spirobank II Spirometer basic is an affordable way for you to offer screening spirometry for a great price to your practice. You can use this spirometer remotely, or you can use it as an online spirometer with your PC. It works quickly and intuitively with an icon-based navigation menu and features a high-resolution backlit LCD. This is an excellent spirometer for use in primary care, pediatrics, pulmonologists, and Hospitals. 

Spirobank II Basic Features:
  • Fast and intuitive to operate with an icon-based navigation menu
  • Backlit, high-resolution display
  • On screen results and curves preview for immediate data analysis
  • Ideal for family doctors, primary care, occupational medicine, screening.
  • Estimated Lung Age (ELA) test to assess the benefits from smoking cessation
  • Traffic lights for immediate test interpretation
  • Rechargeable, long-life battery (~ 40 hours continous operation)
  • Real-time tests via USB (Bluetooth optional)
  • Memory up to 10,000 tests
  • The tests are analyzed directly on the display without having to connect to a computer.
  • Internal temperature  and pressure sensor for automatic correction
  • Never requires calibration when using disposable turbines


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ImageSpirobank II BasicASPEL AsPEKT 712 v.301 Holter Monitor and SoftwareASPEL Stress ECG and Treadmill







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DescriptionIn Stock
The Spirobank II Spirometer basic is an affordable way for you to offer screening spirometry for a great price to your practice. You can use this spirometer remotely, or you can use it as an online spirometer with your PC. Delivery & Availability: Typically 7-14 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad The Holta Monitor allows quick analysis of ECG examination and detection, reviewing and editing capability in the qualitative assessment of VE, VT, Single SVE, PSVT, Pauses, Irregular Rhythm, VT, IVR, Brady - and Tachycardia, Couplets, ST-segment elevation and depression, Maximum, Minimum and averaged Heart Rates, artifacts Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad  It is a system with professional tool dedicated to exercise and resting ECG examination. Treadmill has 12 lead ECG modules. With ECG Analyzing Software. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad SonoScape has developed a new probe and function for the E1 Exp. With these additions the E1 Exp will bring users a more efficient examination experience with satisfying image quality and a smooth workflow. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock A Value Choice beyond Your Expectation. SonoScape’s trolley color Doppler system S11 redefines price and performance with practical design. The S11 will go beyond your expectations but not your budget. Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
The Spirobank II Spirometer basic is an affordable way for you to offer screening spirometry for a great price to your practice. You can use this spirometer remotely, or you can use it as an online spirometer with your PC. It works quickly and intuitively with an icon-based navigation menu and features a high-resolution backlit LCD. This is an excellent spirometer for use in primary care, pediatrics, pulmonologists, and Hospitals. 
Spirobank II Basic Features:
  • Fast and intuitive to operate with an icon-based navigation menu
  • Backlit, high-resolution display
  • On screen results and curves preview for immediate data analysis
  • Ideal for family doctors, primary care, occupational medicine, screening.
  • Estimated Lung Age (ELA) test to assess the benefits from smoking cessation
  • Traffic lights for immediate test interpretation
  • Rechargeable, long-life battery (~ 40 hours continous operation)
  • Real-time tests via USB (Bluetooth optional)
  • Memory up to 10,000 tests
  • The tests are analyzed directly on the display without having to connect to a computer.
  • Internal temperature  and pressure sensor for automatic correction
  • Never requires calibration when using disposable turbines
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The Holter Monitor allows quick analysis of ECG examination (arrhythmias and ST segment). Technical specifications: HolCARD 24W Software:
  • fully compatible with Microsoft Windows environment
  • unbeatable tool for alternative placement of electrodes
  • independent analysis of the ST segment in all recorded channels, the positioning of all measurement points is user-reconfigurable and may depend on heart rate
  • simultaneous arrhythmia detection in all three channels
  • automatic signal calibration independent in all channels assures the use of all dynamic range available
  • detection, reviewing and editing capability in the qualitative assessment of VE, VT, Single SVE, PSVT, Pauses, Irregular Rhythm, VT, IVR, Brady - and Tachycardia, Couplets, ST-segment elevation and depression, Maximum, Minimum and averaged Heart Rates, artifacts
  • validation tool for beat classification making the correction easy and effective
  • tabular hourly summaries all quantitative results
  • printing of all recorded ECG signal available
AsPEKT 712 Recorder:
  • 12-channel digital registration of the ECG signal
  • 10-lead patient cable
  • registration time: 48 hours or 7 days on SD card
  • built-in the real time clock
  • EVENT button
  • pacemaker detection
  • dimensions: 72x76x23 mm
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 It is a system with professional tool dedicated to exercise and resting ECG examination. Treadmill has 12 lead ECG modules. With ECG Analyzing Software. Technical Specification:
  • Simultaneous registration and observation of ECG signal from all 12 leads on PC screen,
  • Automatic measurement of HR, ST level and slope,
  • Printing and archiving examination report which contains: patient's data, the full disclosure ECG of the whole recording, selected strips, average P-QRS-T complexes, table summary, load value, HR, ST level and slope,
  • RAMP protocol
  • PMHR control
  • Digital filtration of mains disturbances
  • Digital filtration of muscle origin disturbances
  • Resting examination: 12, 6 or 3-channel in manual or automatic mode
  • Automatic regulation of isoelectric line position in the middle of registration channel
  • Automatic elimination of isoelectric line migration
CardioTEST Software:
  • excellent quality of ECG waveforms thanks to the use of digital filters eliminating the swimming of the isoelectric line and disruption of muscle origin,
  • uninterrupted recording and presentation of 12-lead ECG signal, presentation of averaged P-QRS-T units with 12 leads along with the results of ST level and slope measurements,
  • automatic HR measurement, ST level and ST segment slope,
  • automatic control of cycloergometer and treadmill load,
  • archiving and printing of the research report,
  • automatic determination of measuring points with the possibility of manual correction,
  • automatic arrhythmia analysis,
  • presentation of parameters regarding: test phase, current load, stage time and total effort time,
  • monitored parameters: rhythm rate, MET, double product, blood pressure, level, ST segment slope and load,
  • real-time ECG printout,
  • preview of trends of all measured parameters during the test,
  • alarm system for monitored parameters and arrhythmia,
  • an option to automatically measure blood pressure,
  • archiving and printing a report enabling a reliable assessment of the study (such an report contains ECG, average P-QRS-T assemblies and a table with measurement results),
  • standard test protocols and the ability to define your own protocols also in RAMP mode,
  • preview the report on the screen before printing the report,
  • function of reanalysis of the performed test,
  • presentation of 3D trends illustrating ST segment changes.
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DETAILS As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. S22, is a shared service ultrasound system with a slim and elegant package that has combined mobility with utility to fit in specific clinical situations including emergency department, ICU, operating room and so on. Furthermore, its ergonomic design, easy operating and flexible data management will give you a memorable experience. SPECIFICATION • Large high-resolution widescreen LED • Sensitive touch screen • Four transducer sockets plus one socket for pencil probe • A comprehensive selection of probes: linear, Convex, Micro-convex, Volumetric, Endocavity, Bi-plane, Phased Array, TEE, Intraoperative, Pencil • Premium application technology: 4D, μ-scan speckle reduction, compound imaging, Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging, Color M-Mode, Steer M-Mode, PDI, TDI, Real-time Panoramic Imaging, Trapezoid Imaging, Auto-IMT… • Full patient database and image management solutions: DICOM 3.0, AVI/JPG, USB 2.0, HDD, DVD, PDF report • Multi-Language Input Keyboard • Built-in battery  
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DETAILS Efficient Diagnosis μ-Scan, Speckle Reduction & Edge Enhancement Spatial Compound Imaging PIH - Pure Inversion Harmonic Wide Scan - Enlarged Image Area Tissue-Specific Imaging SR Flow Ergonomic Designs Up to 2 Transducer Ports Light Weight and Compact 15.6 inch Anti-flickering HD LED Screen Tilting Monitor Angle Adjustment Backlit Keyboard and Intelligent Panel Long-lasting Battery for 90 mins Ease of Use Quick Boot Up Auto-Brightness Adjustment Auto Image Optimization Auto IMT Auto Trace Equipped Accessories Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Available DICOM 500GB Hard Disk Height Adjustable Trolley Durable, Carry-on Site Suitcase  
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DETAILS SonoScape’s trolley colour Doppler system S11 redefines price and performance with practical design. The S11 will go beyond your expectations but not your budget. As an easy-to-use ultrasound system, the S11 is integrated with a new software platform, especially optimized for a smooth workflow and convenient operation. The system speeds up the exam process and makes file management easier. SPECIFICATION - 15-inch high definition LCD monitor with articulating arm - Compact and agile trolley design - 3 active transducer sockets available for a wide range of applications - Duplex, Color Doppler, DPI, PW Doppler, tissue harmonic imaging, μ-scan speckle reduction imaging, compound imaging, trapezoidal imaging - Customized settings based on your own working style - Full patient database and image management solutions  
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