
Shipped From Abroad

Available in 500mL plastic flip top bottle in packs of 24 per carton.

Special Methylated Spirits 70% contains ethanol 65.9% v/v (equivalent to

Ethanol 96% at 68.6% v/v) and methanol 1.4% v/v

Special Methylated Spirit 70% is a bactericidal hospital grade disinfectant

Suitable for general purpose disinfection and cleaning of surfaces, shining glass, stainless steel and various equipment. Do not use on Therapeutic Devices.


Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: PharmAust


Product Description

Special Methylated Spirits 70% contains ethanol 65.9% v/v (equivalent to

Ethanol 96% at 68.6% v/v) and methanol 1.4% v/v

Special Methylated Spirit 70% is a bactericidal hospital grade disinfectant

Suitable for general purpose disinfection and cleaning of surfaces, shining glass, stainless steel and various equipment. Do not use on Therapeutic Devices.

Directions for use. Special Methylated Spirits 70% is used where disinfecting surface areas is a priority. Apply as required undiluted Do not mix with detergents or chemicals Do not return used solution to the bottle, discard unused portion.

Precautions not to be swallowed.

Flammable do not use near a naked flame.

Keep out of reach of children.

Safety Directions Avoid contact with eyes and mouth.

First Aid if poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (phone

Australia 131126).

Give plenty of water to drink.

If in eyes hold eyes open and flush continuously with running water,

Continue flushing until advised to stop by the Poisons Information Centre or

Doctor, or for at least 15 minutes.

Storage Store below 25°C


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SettingsSPECIAL METHYLATED SPIRIT 70% UNTINTED removeMaico MA25 Audiometer removeApexBio HemoSmart Gold Hemoglobin Meter removeOmron (PFM20) Peak Flow Meter removeMIR Spirolab Spirometer removeMaico TouchTymp MI36 Tympanometry remove
NameSPECIAL METHYLATED SPIRIT 70% UNTINTED removeMaico MA25 Audiometer removeApexBio HemoSmart Gold Hemoglobin Meter removeOmron (PFM20) Peak Flow Meter removeMIR Spirolab Spirometer removeMaico TouchTymp MI36 Tympanometry remove
ImageMaico MA25 AudiometerOmron (PFM20) Peak Flow MeterMIR Spirolab SpirometerMaico TouchTymp MI36 Tympanometry and Amp







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DescriptionShipped From Abroad
Available in 500mL plastic flip top bottle in packs of 24 per carton. Special Methylated Spirits 70% contains ethanol 65.9% v/v (equivalent to Ethanol 96% at 68.6% v/v) and methanol 1.4% v/v Special Methylated Spirit 70% is a bactericidal hospital grade disinfectant Suitable for general purpose disinfection and cleaning of surfaces, shining glass, stainless steel and various equipment. Do not use on Therapeutic Devices.  
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad the Ma 25 offers a full range of testing opportunities. frequencies range from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz and signal intensities run from -10 dBHL to 100 dBHL. Sinus and warble tone (pulsed and continuous) make it complete. Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock HemoSmart GOLD offers a fast and easy way to measure hemoglobin level and is the first biosensor-based palm sized hemoglobin testing system in the world.The one of its kind strip-based testing method offers ease of use and portability and requires only 1μL of blood.

Delivery & Availability:

Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In stock Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock
Spirometry test:
FVC, VC, MVV, PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison with a wide range of selectable parameters. Pediatric Incentive for Spirometry. Each function can be easily activated by a simple touch on the bar menu Stand Alone Mode Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad TouchTymp MI 36 combines diagnostic middle ear analyzer and audiometry tests in one exceptional device. The full 10.4" touchscreen with its user-friendly interface guarantees a unique intuitive operation and allows to quickly change parameters. You can easily switch between the tests without reorganizing from one to another device and beneft from its small footprint when facing limited desk space. touchTymp MI 36 really improves your workflow every day. Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Product Description
Special Methylated Spirits 70% contains ethanol 65.9% v/v (equivalent to Ethanol 96% at 68.6% v/v) and methanol 1.4% v/v Special Methylated Spirit 70% is a bactericidal hospital grade disinfectant Suitable for general purpose disinfection and cleaning of surfaces, shining glass, stainless steel and various equipment. Do not use on Therapeutic Devices. Directions for use. Special Methylated Spirits 70% is used where disinfecting surface areas is a priority. Apply as required undiluted Do not mix with detergents or chemicals Do not return used solution to the bottle, discard unused portion. Precautions not to be swallowed. Flammable do not use near a naked flame. Keep out of reach of children. Safety Directions Avoid contact with eyes and mouth. First Aid if poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre (phone Australia 131126). Give plenty of water to drink. If in eyes hold eyes open and flush continuously with running water, Continue flushing until advised to stop by the Poisons Information Centre or Doctor, or for at least 15 minutes. Storage Store below 25°C
MA 25 offers a full range of testing opportunities. frequencies range from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz and signal intensities run from -10 dBHL to 100 dBHL. Sinus and warble tone (pulsed and continuous) make it complete. FEATURES AT A GLANCE • air conduction with 11 frequencies from 125 to 8000 Hz • customize the frequencies to your own needs • Operated with 3 standard AA batteries or with a medically approved external power supply (optional) • pure, pulse, warble tones • Exceptionally lightweight, only 980 g • Ma 25e extends functionality of Ma 25 SLEEK AND SMALL DESIGN the super-lightweight Ma 25 weighs in at only 980 g. Small enough to hold in the palm of your hand! tucked into its carrying case, the Ma 25 is one of our smallest, lightest portables. ACCURATE AND DEPENDABLE ENGINEERING Because it is portable, the Ma 25 has been engineered to be tough and reliable. take the Ma 25 everywhere with confidence. User-friendly knobs make adjusting frequency and hearing levels easy and comfortable! MA 25E EXTENDS FUNCTIONALITY OF MA 25 the Ma 25e extends the Ma 25 functionalities with an automatic test according to Hughson-Westlake. parameters can easily be adapted to your personal preferences. the talk forward function makes the Ma 25e easy to work with, particularly in sound booth installations. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
  • Test Signals - Sinus and warble tone (pulsed and continuous)
  • Test Frequencies Hz - 125, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000
  • Level Steps - 5 or 1 dB
  • Hearing Level Range - 90 dBHL at 0.25 and 8 kHz, 70 dBHL at 0.125 kHz, -10 dBHL - 100 dBHL
  • Audiometer Class - Class 4 according to En 60 645-1
  • Power Supply - 3 AA batteries (100 hours life time typically) or optional power supply
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HemoSmart GOLD offers a fast and easy way to measure hemoglobin level and is the first biosensor-based palm sized hemoglobin testing system in the world.The one of its kind strip-based testing method offers ease of use and portability and requires only 1μL of blood. Feature
  • LCD Backlight
  • Small Blood Sample
  • Splash Proof
  • Strip Ejection
  • Hgb/Hct
  • Fast Result
  • Measurement Range: 0-24.0 g/dL
  • Power Supply: 3A battery X 2
  • Testing Time (seconds): 5 seconds
  • Sample Volume (μL): 1 μL
  • Memory Capabilities: 100 sets with date and time
  • Operating Temperature (°C): 10 °C~40 °C
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OMRON Peak Flow Meter (PFM20) offers reliable and accurate peak expiratory flow measurements to help you monitor your asthma symptoms.it is portable, easy to use, and suitable for adults and children. With this device, you can personalize the monitoring and create an Asthma Action Plan with a respond that is most appropriate to your symptoms. The device is designed to help you monitor and manage your asthma symptoms with ease. The device comes with the following parts:
  • Colour-zone markers (in green, yellow and red)
  • Pointer
  • Sterilizable and removeable mouthpiece
The colour-zone markers allow you to personalize your Peak Flow Meter and guide you in your Asthma Action Plan. They are used to indicate your personal best PEF reading.
Spirometry test:
FVC, VC, MVV, PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison with a wide range of selectable parameters. Paediatric Incentive for Spirometry. Each function can be easily activated by a simple touch on the bar menu Stand Alone Mode. Colour screen Touchscreen 7 inches TFT display Database up to 10,000 Spirometry tests or 900 hours of Oximetry recording coupled with powerful and flexible search services. Optional function available: Oximeter with adult or paediatric finger probe. Long life Rechargeable Battery. Available with both DISPOSABLE or REUSABLE turbine flowmeter. PC based mode, using WinspiroPRO® Bluetooth® 2.1 and USB Connectivity Wireless or via cable Real Time test directly on your PC. Winspiro PRO® PC software provides Real Time Flow/Volume and Volume/Time curves with PRE/POST Bronchodilator comparison on your PC. Includes free online updates. Paediatric Incentive for Spirometry with wide choice of pictures and animations. Spirometry test after drug adminitration Bronchodilator Reversibility, Bronchial Challenge with FEV1-response curve with protocols for both Methacholine and Mannitol. Quanjer 2012-GLI Predicted values with LLN and Z-score Patient Trend Charts for easy follow-up Search engine for instant access to database. Wide choice of communication protocols for integration with EMR.
Spirometry parameters: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEV1/VC, PEF, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25–75, FEF75–85, Lung Age, Extrapolated Volume, FET, Time to PEF, FEV0.5, FEV0.5/FVC, FEV0.75, FEV0.75/FVC, FEV2, FEV2/FVC, FEV3, FEV3/FVC, FEV6, FEV1/ FEV6, FEV1/PEF, FEV1/ FEV0.5, FIVC, FIV1, FIV1/FIVC, PIF, FIF25, FIF50, FIF75, FEF50/FIF50, VC, IVC, IC, ERV, IRV, Rf, VE, VT, tI, tE, VT/tI, tE/tTOT, MVV (measured), MVV (calculated).  
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TouchTymp MI 36 combines diagnostic middle ear analyzer and audiometry tests in one exceptional device. The full 10.4" touchscreen with its user-friendly interface guarantees a unique intuitive operation and allows to quickly change parameters. You can easily switch between the tests without reorganizing from one to another device and beneft from its small footprint when facing limited desk space. touchTymp MI 36 really improves your workflow every day. FEATURES AT A GLANCE
  • Combo device with small footprint
  • Customizable to suit individual needs
  • High resolution and quick screen transitions
  • Full touch-based interface for intuitive handling
  • Probe tone 226 Hz, 678 Hz, 800 Hz
  • Optional high-frequency probe tone 1 kHz
  • Acoustic reflex stimuli 500 Hz,1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, BB, HP, LP (ipsilateral and contralateral)
  • Reflex Decay test (ipsilateral and contralateral)
  • ETF test for intact and perforated eardrums
  • Air conduction audiometry
  • Bone conduction audiometry
  • Built-in printer or data transfer to PC
  • Optional MAICO Sessions PC Software connectable with OtoAccess® or Noah patient database for easy data management
Comprehensive test protocols
  • Our touchTymp MI 36 provides comprehensive standard protocols for immediate operation of screening and diagnostic test processes: tympanometry with 226 Hz, tympanometry with automatic or fxed acoustic reflexes, reflex decay, Eustachian tube function testing (ETF) plus air conduction and bone conduction audiometry. The optional high-frequency probe tone of 1 kHz is ideal for providing reliable results when testing newborns
Stay focused on your patients
  • The unique touchTymp light bar on our shoulder box probe provides a real-time progression of the immittance test. The shoulder box can easily be clipped to your patient's top for controlled handling of the diagnostic probe. The light indicator shows you which ear is tested and the test result.
Printing made easy
  • Print test results instantly by using the touchTymp built-in printer. Place the shoulder box into its holder to automatically start printing. You can transfer the results to a PC to allow long term storage, full page printout and PDF creation for EMR integration.
Compatible to Sessions: Get ready for fast data transfer!
  • Use the touchTymp MI 36 with our intuitive data transfer solution Sessions, for easy management and visualization of your immittance measurements.
  • Probe Frequency - 226 Hz ± 1 %, 85 dBSPL ± 1.5 dB, 678 Hz ± 1%, 72 dBSPL ± 1.5 dB, 800 Hz ± 1%, 70.5 dBSPL ± 1.5 dB
  • Optional High Frequency - 1 kHz ± 1%, 69 dBSPL ± 1.5 dB
  • Pressure Range - -600 to + 400 daPa
  • Accuracy of Pressure - ± 5 % or ± 10 daPa
  • Volume Range - 0.0 to 6.0 ml (compensated)
  • Compliance Range - 0.1 to 8.0 ml at 226 Hz, 0.1 to 15.0 mmho at 678, 800 and 1000 Hz
  • Accuracy of Volume - ± 5 % or 0.1 ml
  • Test Time Measurement - 3 - 5 seconds
Acoustic Reflexes
  • Test Frequencies - 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz ± 1 %
  • Test Noise - BB, LP, HP
  • Test Methods - Ipsilateral, contralateral
  • Level Ipsilateral - 70 to 105 dBHL
  • Level Contralateral - 70 to 120 dBHL
  • Level Setting - Automatic, fxed
  • Ipsilateral Reflex - Test With AGC
Reflex Decay
  • Standard - Probe frequency 226 Hz
  • Test Frequencies - 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz ± 1 %
  • Test Noise - BB, LP, HP
  • Level Ipsilateral - 70 to 105 dBHL
  • Level Contralateral - 70 to 120 dBHL
Eustachian Tube Function
  • Test Methods - Intact and perforated
  • Pressure Range - -600 to + 400 daPa
  • Test Signals - Sinus and warble tone, (pulsed and continuous)
  • Test Frequencies - 125, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 8000 Hz (125 Hz excluded
  • from bone conduction test frequencies)
  • Level Steps - 5 or 1 dB
  • Hearing Level Range AC - -10 to 120 dBHL
  • Hearing Level Range BC -  -10 to 80 dBHL
  • Masking Noise - Narrow band and white noise
Device General
  • Display - 10.4" Graphic LED-Display with resistive touchscreen
  • PC Interface - USB
  • Probe - Lightweight diagnostic Shoulder-Box with built-in control light and switch
  • Printer - Fast 4 inch thermal printer
  • Power Supply - Mains 100 to 240 V~ ± 10 %, 50 - 60 Hz ± 10 %
  • Dimensions / Weight - W 30 x D 34.5 x H 14.8 cm / 3.2 kg
  • Languages - English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Chinese
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