
AVE-562 Fully Automated Feces Analyzer


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The AVE-562 Fully Automated Feces Analyzer is a high‑throughput diagnostic device that automates fecal sample analysis, delivering accurate results in under 10 minutes. With advanced imaging, AI-driven analysis, and a user-friendly touchscreen, it’s an ideal solution for clinical laboratories and point‑of‑care testing.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: AVE


Instrument Work Flow
  • Physical Exams:  Image Stored;
  • Sample Preparation:  Diluted, Mixed, Filtrated and Recycled;
  • Formed Elements Test by Microscopy:  Full-fieled Scanned, Located and Tracked, Recognized, Classified and Counted;
  • Occult Blood Test, Virological Test, Bacteriological Test:  Coloration, Image Capture, Automatic Identification.
Parameters Detected
  • Parameters Detected by Microscopy:  All types of visible Feces Formed Elements can be detected and identified;
  • Physical Test:  Physical parameters like color, character, etc. can be evaluated by automatic image capture;
  • Fecal Occult Blood:  Automatic analysis of occult blood available;
  • Extensible Tests:  Routine tests like urine, hydrothoax, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric juice, and sperm tests etc. are under development;
  • Bacteriological Test:  Colloidal gold method test parameters, like helicobacter pylori etc. can be evaluated automatically;
  • Virological Test:  Colloidal gold method test parameters, like rotavirus, adenovirus, coxsackie virus etc. can be evaluated automatically.
Work Principle
  • Physical Test:  Physical character of feces sample will be recorded with images captured through automatic barcode reading;
  • Morphological Test:  Use automated morphological microscopy technology to capture real images of feces formed elements, and then locate and track, recognize, classify and count them;
  • Chemistry Test:  Capture images of coloration on various colloidal gold cards and automatically evaluate the parameters of fecal occult blood, virological test and bacteriological test etc.
Product Features
  • Sample dilution, mixing, filtration and aspiration are done automatically by the analyzer. It’s clean and pollution-free.
  • The whole work process, from test card and counting chamber loading to sample test and waste treatment, is completely walk-away automation;
  • Dynamic filter design enables efficient recycling of useful elements from the sample to avoid blocking and improve test accuracy;
  • High precision cuvette avoids the possibility of flow cell blockage and carryover from sample to sample and easy maintenance on tubing system;
  • Routine feces formed elements like red blood cells, white blood cells, parasitic ovum, etc. are   identified, classified and counted automatically be the analyzer. And some special pathological formed elements need to be identified, classified and counted by manual verification on the images captured;
  • Complete report illustrated with images and diagrams provides meaningful reference for clinic diagnosis.
Technical Parameters
  • Throughput: ≥90 test/hr;
  • Formed Elements Recycling Rate: ≥80%;
  • Sampler: rack-forwarding style and the capacity of sampler waiting area is 40 samples;
  • STAT Position: flexible for urgent test;
  • Cuvette Loading Capacity: 200pcs;
  • Memory:  ≥200,000 results;
  • Printer: External laser printer.


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NameAVE-562 Fully Automated Feces Analyzer removeAvalun 48 INR Microcuvette remove8 Bucket Centrifuge removeErma B-111 Bilirubin Meter removeMotic BA210 Series Biomedical Microscope removeLittle Sister Table Top Autoclave remove
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DescriptionShipped From Abroad The AVE-562 Fully Automated Feces Analyzer is a high‑throughput diagnostic device that automates fecal sample analysis, delivering accurate results in under 10 minutes. With advanced imaging, AI-driven analysis, and a user-friendly touchscreen, it’s an ideal solution for clinical laboratories and point‑of‑care testing.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Out stock LabPad®’s versatility comes especially from its Tsmart® single-use microcuvette, which contains a lyophilized reagent specific to each test. The Tsmart® microcuvette is the fruit of numerous innovations that have led to many benefits for users. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In stock
Classification: Laboratory Centrifuge
Brand Name: xiangtian
Model Number: 800-1
Place of Origin: Jiangsu, China
Time range: 0-60min
Max speed: 4000r/min
Max RCF: 1790xg
Capacity: 20ml*6
  Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Aboard  The advanced B111 Bilirubinmeter provides fast, accurate results for Total bilirubin level in neonates with only 40μl serum or plasma sample. It determines total bilirubin by dual wavelength photometric analysis. Suited for pediatric setups, small workload labs & hospitals because of its compact and portable design. Advanced, benchtop and precise instrument for measuring Total Bilirubin.

Delivery & Availability:

Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In stock The BA210 series is a line of basic biological microscopes manufactured by Motic. The unit is equipped with Motic Infinity Optics (CCIS®, offering quality performance in the fields of education and training. The device features a coaxial coarse and fine housing with a quadruple reverse-mounted nose piece. Its contrast methods, such as phase contrast, polarization and dark field, are easily performed through optional accessories. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Out stock Little Sister Table Top Autoclave: This sterilizer is a table type in safety and auto controlled,which is designed for the unit of medical health, pharmacy, science and technology and mostly suitable for sterilizing of surgical,dental and eye instruments, glassware medicine, culture medium and biological dressing, food and other goods. Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Instrument Work Flow
  • Physical Exams:  Image Stored;
  • Sample Preparation:  Diluted, Mixed, Filtrated and Recycled;
  • Formed Elements Test by Microscopy:  Full-fieled Scanned, Located and Tracked, Recognized, Classified and Counted;
  • Occult Blood Test, Virological Test, Bacteriological Test:  Coloration, Image Capture, Automatic Identification.
Parameters Detected
  • Parameters Detected by Microscopy:  All types of visible Feces Formed Elements can be detected and identified;
  • Physical Test:  Physical parameters like color, character, etc. can be evaluated by automatic image capture;
  • Fecal Occult Blood:  Automatic analysis of occult blood available;
  • Extensible Tests:  Routine tests like urine, hydrothoax, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric juice, and sperm tests etc. are under development;
  • Bacteriological Test:  Colloidal gold method test parameters, like helicobacter pylori etc. can be evaluated automatically;
  • Virological Test:  Colloidal gold method test parameters, like rotavirus, adenovirus, coxsackie virus etc. can be evaluated automatically.
Work Principle
  • Physical Test:  Physical character of feces sample will be recorded with images captured through automatic barcode reading;
  • Morphological Test:  Use automated morphological microscopy technology to capture real images of feces formed elements, and then locate and track, recognize, classify and count them;
  • Chemistry Test:  Capture images of coloration on various colloidal gold cards and automatically evaluate the parameters of fecal occult blood, virological test and bacteriological test etc.
Product Features
  • Sample dilution, mixing, filtration and aspiration are done automatically by the analyzer. It’s clean and pollution-free.
  • The whole work process, from test card and counting chamber loading to sample test and waste treatment, is completely walk-away automation;
  • Dynamic filter design enables efficient recycling of useful elements from the sample to avoid blocking and improve test accuracy;
  • High precision cuvette avoids the possibility of flow cell blockage and carryover from sample to sample and easy maintenance on tubing system;
  • Routine feces formed elements like red blood cells, white blood cells, parasitic ovum, etc. are   identified, classified and counted automatically be the analyzer. And some special pathological formed elements need to be identified, classified and counted by manual verification on the images captured;
  • Complete report illustrated with images and diagrams provides meaningful reference for clinic diagnosis.
Technical Parameters
  • Throughput: ≥90 test/hr;
  • Formed Elements Recycling Rate: ≥80%;
  • Sampler: rack-forwarding style and the capacity of sampler waiting area is 40 samples;
  • STAT Position: flexible for urgent test;
  • Cuvette Loading Capacity: 200pcs;
  • Memory:  ≥200,000 results;
  • Printer: External laser printer.
LabPad®’s versatility comes especially from its Tsmart® single-use microcuvette, which contains a lyophilized reagent specific to each test. The Tsmart® microcuvette is the fruit of numerous innovations that have led to many benefits for users.
  • Fully automated "plug-and-play"   behavior
  • Reduced blood volume (only 3µL)
  • A large space for blood drop-off
  • Fills up quickly, using just capillarity
  • Easy handling, thanks to its 3D shape
  • Optimized preservation in individual pouches, in boxes of 12, 24, or 48 units
800-1  electric centrifuge is widely used in hospitals, chemical and Biological Chemistry Laboratory for serum, plasma, immune qualitative analysis experiment. Has beautiful shape, large capacity, small volume, complete function. Its performance is stable, the speed is adjustable and can automatically adjust the balance, low temperature, high efficiency and wide applicability and advantages. Technical Specifications:
Type No.
Power  source
220V 50HZ     110V  60HZ
Speed Range (rpm)
Time Range(min)
Capacity (ml)
Maximum centrifugal force(xg)
Package Size (cm)
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The advanced B111 Bilirubinmeter provides fast, accurate results for Total bilirubin level in neonates with only 40μl serum or plasma sample. It determines total bilirubin by dual wavelength photometric analysis. Suited for pediatric setups, small workload labs & hospitals because of its compact and portable design. Advanced, benchtop and precise instrument for measuring Total Bilirubin. Feature
  • Auto zero function: Manual blanking not required
  • Dual wavelength measurement system:
  • 2 wave lengths 455nm and 575nm
  • Plays major role to remove the interference caused due to Hemolysis & turbidity of sample
  • LED Light source:
  • LED does not require replacement as it lasts longer
  • As compared to Lamp, LED are more suitable as there is no intensity fluctuations
  • No warm up time required.
  • Flexible unit selection:
  • Two units either mg/dl or umol/L are selectable, ease of reporting
  • Compact slot for Capillary:
  • Accuracy of results are directly related to proper alignment of Capillary
  • B-111 has the easiest mode to ensure precise values
  • Data transfer:
  • External device can be connected to instrument through RS232 por
  • USB port
Technical Specification
  • Light source - LED
  • Wavelength - 455nm and 575nm
  • Net weight - 1kg
  • Measuring range - 0-30 mg/dl , 510 umol/L
  • Display - 16×2 LCD module with backlight
  • Auto calibration - Yes
  • Sample type - Serum or plasma
  • Sample volume - 40-80μL
  • Test time - <5sec
  • Units - mg/dl or umol/L
  • Dimensions - 150 (W) × 115 (H) × 190 (D) mm
  • Interface - RS232
  • Reading cuvette - Heparinized micro capillary holder
  • Storage temperature - 15-40°c
  • Power supply - DC 9V(DC adapter)
  • Power consumption - <2W
The BA210 series is a line of basic biological microscopes manufactured by Motic. The unit is equipped with Motic Infinity Optics (CCIS®, offering quality performance in the fields of education and training. The device features a coaxial coarse and fine housing with a quadruple reverse-mounted nose piece. Its contrast methods, such as phase contrast, polarization and dark field, are easily performed through optional accessories. Technical applications: Biomedical Type: Optical Observation technique: Dark field Magnification: 4 unit, 10 unit, 40 unit, 100 unit  Little Sister Table Top Autoclave: This sterilizer is a table type in safety and auto controlled,which is designed for the unit of medical health, pharmacy, science and technology and mostly suitable for sterilizing of surgical,dental and eye instruments, glassware medicine, culture medium and biological dressing, food and other goods. Features:
  • Indicator light indicates working state.
  • For 4~6 minutes rapidly sterilizing.
  • Sterilizing temperature and time can be preset.
  • Steam-water inner circulation system: no steam discharge, and the environment for sterilizing will be clean and dry.
  • Over temperature & over pressure auto-protection.
  • Safe protection of water lacking.
  • Exhaust the cool air automatically.
  • With three stainless steel sterilizing plates.
  • The chamber of the sterilizer is made of stainless steel.
  • Automatically shut off with beep reminding after sterilization.
Technical Specifications:

Sterilizing chamber volume

20L(φ250×420 mm) 24L(φ250×520 mm)
Maximum working pressure 0.22Mpa
Maximum working temperature 134℃
Adjustment of temperature 105-134℃
Timer 0-60 min
Chamber temperature equal ≤ ± 1℃
Source power 1.5KW/AC 220V 50Hz (AC110V 60HZ)
Sterilizing plate 340×200×30 mm (3 piece) 400×200×30 mm (3 piece)
Dimension 480×480×384 mm 580×480×384 mm
Package dimension 700×580×500 mm 800×580×500 mm
 G. W/N.W 44/40 kg

50/45 kg

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