
Ergoselect 1-Bicycle ergometer


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The state-of-the art ergometer for routine exercise tests. ergoselect 1 versatile, yet easy to use – with a convincingly attractive price-performance ratio. This ergometer stands out for its low frame, user-programmable exercise protocols and universal interfaces for communication with all commercially available PC-based ECG systems and electrocardiographs.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: Ergoline


  • ergonomic design
  • continuous seat height adjustment
  • handlebar, rotatable by 360°
  • clearly visible display
  • easy cleaning
  • patient weight up to 160 kg
  • 10 user-programmable exercise test protocols
  • manual load control
  • load range from 6 to 450 watts
  • universal interfaces for ECG systems/PC-based ECG units


Technical Details


Length: 100 cm
Width: 44 cm (width of handlebar approx. 53.5 cm)
Height: 128 cm
Weight: approx. 55 kg

Ergometer with packaging

Length: 107 cm
Width: 60 cm
Height: 144 cm
Weight: approx. 69 kg


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SettingsErgoselect 1-Bicycle ergometer removeASPEL AsCARD Coral PC Based ECG Machine removeDrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine removeSonoscape S22 Ultrasound Machine removeSonoscape S11 Ultrasound Machine removeSonoscape P15 Ultrasound Machine With Four Probes remove
NameErgoselect 1-Bicycle ergometer removeASPEL AsCARD Coral PC Based ECG Machine removeDrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine removeSonoscape S22 Ultrasound Machine removeSonoscape S11 Ultrasound Machine removeSonoscape P15 Ultrasound Machine With Four Probes remove
ImageASPEL AsCARD Coral electrocardiographDrGem GXR-S 400mA Ceiling Mounted Analogue X-ray Machine







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DescriptionShipped From Abroad The state-of-the art ergometer for routine exercise tests. ergoselect 1 versatile, yet easy to use – with a convincingly attractive price-performance ratio. This ergometer stands out for its low frame, user-programmable exercise protocols and universal interfaces for communication with all commercially available PC-based ECG systems and electrocardiographs.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad AsCARD Coral electrocardiograph is a 3-, 6-, 12-channel ECG equipped with CardioTEKA software allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. It is intended for carrying out ECG examinations in adults and pediatric patients in all types of health care centres. ECG procedures can be performed by qualified personnel only. AsCARD Coral can cooperate also with CardioTEST system as 12-channel ECG device allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. Delivery & Availability: Typically 10 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from abroad The DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine is a diagnostic radiography system that provides reliable high quality radiographic images with a reduced dose. The reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock A Value Choice beyond Your Expectation. SonoScape’s trolley color Doppler system S11 redefines price and performance with practical design. The S11 will go beyond your expectations but not your budget. Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock A feature-rich system inheriting the Wi-Sono high-end platform, the P15 uses an array of advanced tools to help enhance the image quality. It's a cost-effective, simplified console with an intuitive user interface and multiple intelligent functions. Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
  • ergonomic design
  • continuous seat height adjustment
  • handlebar, rotatable by 360°
  • clearly visible display
  • easy cleaning
  • patient weight up to 160 kg
  • 10 user-programmable exercise test protocols
  • manual load control
  • load range from 6 to 450 watts
  • universal interfaces for ECG systems/PC-based ECG units
Technical Details


Length: 100 cm
Width: 44 cm (width of handlebar approx. 53.5 cm)
Height: 128 cm
Weight: approx. 55 kg
Ergometer with packaging
Length: 107 cm
Width: 60 cm
Height: 144 cm
Weight: approx. 69 kg
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AsCARD Coral electrocardiograph is a 3-, 6-, 12-channel ECG equipped with CardioTEKA software allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. It is intended for carrying out ECG examinations in adults and pediatric patients in all types of health care centres. ECG procedures can be performed by qualified personnel only. AsCARD Coral can cooperate also with CardioTEST system as 12-channel ECG device allows transmission of full 12 ECG leads to the user PC through USB interface. Technical Specification:
  • Number of electrodes: 10
  • ECG channels: 12
  • Sampling frequency: 1600 Hz
  • Transmitted ECG signal resolution: 12 bits
  • Transmission type: USB 1.1
  • ECG signal analysis: CardioTEKA Software
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DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine is a diagnostic radiography system X-ray Machine that provides reliable high quality radiographic images with a reduced dose. The reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Features of DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine
  • TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m stroke, rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m
  • WBS-TA:  Vertical movement
  1. V Stroke:1,450mm in Uprigh Bucky Position,
  2. 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
  • PBT-4 is a 4 way Floating Tabletop with. A large tabletop with extended travel enables all radiography studies with minimal patient movement. Fully fat tabletop without a frame on the edge makes cleanliness and odors free
Technical Specifications of DrGem Ceiling Analogue X-ray Machine
  • Power Rating - 32KW
  • Generator - GXR-32S
  • Rotor - Dual Speed Starter(DSS)
  • Input Power - 400/480VAC, Three phase
  • Line Frequency - 50/60Hz
  • X-ray tube - DXT-12M, (0.6/1.2mm, 300kHU)
  • Tube Voltage - 40 to 150kV, 1kV Step
  • Tube Current – 10 to 640mA
  • Output - 640mA@81kV,  500mA@104kV, 400mA@130kV, 320mA@150kV
  • Time Range - 1ms to 10s
  • mAs Range - 0.1 to 800mAs
  • Reproducibility - Coe­cient of Variation : kV < 0.005, Time < 0.005,mAs < 0.01
  • Accuracy - kV < ±(1%+1kV), mA < ±(3%+1mA), Time <±(1%+0.5ms), mAs < ±(3%+0.1mAs)
  • Linearity - Coe­cient of Linearity < 0.01 : CL = (X1-X2)/(X1+X2), where X is mR/mAs
  • Mechanical Parts:
-TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m, stroke rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m - PBT-4: 4 way Floating Tabletop with Elevating Feature (66cm). - WBS-TA:   a.  Vertical    movement
  1.   V Stroke:1,450mm in Upright Bucky
  2. Position, 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
- HVC-15: 15M HV cable - Auto Collimator  
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DETAILS As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. S22, is a shared service ultrasound system with a slim and elegant package that has combined mobility with utility to fit in specific clinical situations including emergency department, ICU, operating room and so on. Furthermore, its ergonomic design, easy operating and flexible data management will give you a memorable experience. SPECIFICATION • Large high-resolution widescreen LED • Sensitive touch screen • Four transducer sockets plus one socket for pencil probe • A comprehensive selection of probes: linear, Convex, Micro-convex, Volumetric, Endocavity, Bi-plane, Phased Array, TEE, Intraoperative, Pencil • Premium application technology: 4D, μ-scan speckle reduction, compound imaging, Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging, Color M-Mode, Steer M-Mode, PDI, TDI, Real-time Panoramic Imaging, Trapezoid Imaging, Auto-IMT… • Full patient database and image management solutions: DICOM 3.0, AVI/JPG, USB 2.0, HDD, DVD, PDF report • Multi-Language Input Keyboard • Built-in battery  
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DETAILS SonoScape’s trolley colour Doppler system S11 redefines price and performance with practical design. The S11 will go beyond your expectations but not your budget. As an easy-to-use ultrasound system, the S11 is integrated with a new software platform, especially optimized for a smooth workflow and convenient operation. The system speeds up the exam process and makes file management easier. SPECIFICATION - 15-inch high definition LCD monitor with articulating arm - Compact and agile trolley design - 3 active transducer sockets available for a wide range of applications - Duplex, Color Doppler, DPI, PW Doppler, tissue harmonic imaging, μ-scan speckle reduction imaging, compound imaging, trapezoidal imaging - Customized settings based on your own working style - Full patient database and image management solutions  
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DETAILS Super Wide-bandwidth Platform Inheriting Wi-sono's ultra-wide system platform and with the advanced probe technology, high-resolution and deep penetration images are provided for precision medicine. Spatial Compound Imaging Spatial Compound Imaging utilizes several lines of sight for optimal contrast resolution, speckle reduction and border detection, with which P15 is ideal for superficial and abdominal imaging with better clarity and improved continuity of structures. μ-Scan+ The new generation μ-Scan imaging technology gives you better image quality by reducing noise, improving signal strength and improving visualization. Dynamic Color Dynamic color improves upon already existing color Doppler technologies for a clearer capture of color flow and detailed visualization of even tiny veins with lower velocities. Real-time Panoramic With real-time panoramic, you can acquire an extended field of view for large organs or long vessels for easy measurement and diagnostic efficiency. Accomplished in real-time for the convenience of the sonographers, any mistake can also be easily back tracked and corrected without interrupting the scan. 3D/4D Outstanding volume performance with speed and convenience makes P15 outshine others on volume imaging. Tissue Doppler Imaging Tissue Doppler Imaging allows clinical doctors to quantitatively evaluate local myocardial movements and functions, facilitating them with the ability to analyze and compare the motions of the different parts of the patient's heart. Auto IMT Quick measurement of intra-media vessel thickness ensures good reproducibility and high diagnostic efficiency.  
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