
Ergoselect 5-Bicycle ergometer


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The new high-quality, modular ergometer series by ergoline combines state-of-the-art technology and exclusive design into a convincing overall concept. The medical high-performance ergometers of the ergoline 5 series stand for highest quality, full commitment to user needs, and limitless functionality. This ergometer is characterized by its wide, open step-through frame, extremely low access height, and solid aluminum platform.

Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: Ergoline


  • timeless design
  • high-precision measuring technology
  • whisper-quiet belt drive
  • base plate and handlebar column made of aluminum
  • wide, open step-through frame
  • patient weight up to 200 kg
  • load range from 6 to 1000 watts
  • adjustable in steps of 1 watt
  • pedals stop moving after use
  • wide range of expansion options


Technical Details


Length: 101 cm
Width: 49 cm (width of handlebar approx. 53 cm)
Height: 127 cm (114 – 140 cm with electrically adjustable handlebar)
Weight: approx. 66 kg

Ergometer with packaging

Length: 116 cm
Width: 60 cm
Height: 148 cm
Weight: approx. 88 kg


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SettingsErgoselect 5-Bicycle ergometer removeTopaz Digital X-ray Machine removeSonoscape S22 Ultrasound Machine removeBistos BT-770-12.1" Touchscreen Patient Monitor removeDrGem Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray removeSonoscape E2 Ultrasound Machine remove
NameErgoselect 5-Bicycle ergometer removeTopaz Digital X-ray Machine removeSonoscape S22 Ultrasound Machine removeBistos BT-770-12.1" Touchscreen Patient Monitor removeDrGem Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray removeSonoscape E2 Ultrasound Machine remove
ImageDrGem Topaz 400mA Digital X-ray MachineBistos BT-770-12.1" Touchscreen Patient MonitorDrGem GXR-SD 400mA Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray Machineportable ultrasound machine







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DescriptionShipped From Abroad The new high-quality, modular ergometer series by ergoline combines state-of-the-art technology and exclusive design into a convincing overall concept. The medical high-performance ergometers of the ergoline 5 series stand for highest quality, full commitment to user needs, and limitless functionality. This ergometer is characterized by its wide, open step-through frame, extremely low access height, and solid aluminum platform.
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In Stock DRGEM’s TOPAZ X-ray machine is a state-of-the-art mobile digital radiography system, designed with maximum comfort for patients and users in mind. From its user-friendly software to smooth movements, TOPAZ is made to improve your workflow and provide you with high-quality images. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad The Bistos BT-770 patient monitor is equipped with a 12.1" touchscreen display, which allows for an easy operation and readability with a powerful rechargeable battery guaranteeing a continuous operation of 5 hours to monitor ECG, SpO2, NIBP, temperature and respiration Delivery & Availability: Typically 14 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.In Stock The GXR-SD is a diagnostic digital radiography system that provides reliable high quality digital radiographic images with a reduced dose. The GXR-SD DR systems offer comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors as well as reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Delivery & Availability: Typically 21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped from Abroad Sonoscape E2 portable ultrasound machine is a color Doppler ultrasound system that reaches beyond your expectations due to its compact and fashionable appearance. It fulfills GI, OB/GYN, Cardiac and POC applications to fit your routine scanning needs while its color mode will help you for more accurate and efficient diagnosis of lesions. E2 provides a wide range of applications to assist users with routine scanning. E2 provides automatic calculations to enhance your diagnostic confidence and save you time for patient communication. Delivery & Availability: Typically 14 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
  • timeless design
  • high-precision measuring technology
  • whisper-quiet belt drive
  • base plate and handlebar column made of aluminum
  • wide, open step-through frame
  • patient weight up to 200 kg
  • load range from 6 to 1000 watts
  • adjustable in steps of 1 watt
  • pedals stop moving after use
  • wide range of expansion options
Technical Details


Length: 101 cm
Width: 49 cm (width of handlebar approx. 53 cm)
Height: 127 cm (114 – 140 cm with electrically adjustable handlebar)
Weight: approx. 66 kg
Ergometer with packaging
Length: 116 cm
Width: 60 cm
Height: 148 cm
Weight: approx. 88 kg
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TOPAZ X-ray machine is among the high end X-ray machine manufactured by DRGEM, a digital X-ray system that provides quality images with little or no effort. It begins with Advanced Technology Integrating high technology and over a decade of experience in conventional and digital radiography systems, DRGEM’s TOPAZ X-ray machine is a state-of-the-art mobile digital radiography system, designed with maximum comfort for patients and users. From its user-friendly software to smooth movements, TOPAZ X-ray machine is made to improve your workflow and provide you with high-quality images. Full Featured Imaging Software & Excellent Digital Image Processing With a high-performance, built-in touchscreen, TOPAZ X-ray machine offers a user-friendly interface and powerful software for easy operation and increased workflow. The anatomical view-based digital image processing, automatically optimizes and enhances the quality of the image. it also comes with automatic image storage and print with DICOM 3.0 networking capability. additionally, the system offers increasing exam throughput while decreasing examination time.
  • Provides convenient user interface and easy operation
  • Anatomical view-based digital image processing
  • Radiographic stand and automatic collimator control function
  • DICOM 3.0 networking interface features include: work-list, print, store, and query for
  • integration with any PACS or RIS.
  Features of Topaz X-ray Machine:
  • Outstanding image quality by optimized digital image processing
  • Easy driving and maneuverable with ergonomic and compact design
  • Convenient and enough space for detector, battery and other necessary stuff
  • Swift mobility with 5km/h speed allows you to save time, cost and satisfy your patient with quick processing
  • Accurate positioning and precise movement provided with 4 direction buttons on this control panel
  • Longer arm stroke and high column provide wider coverage and patient-friendly operation service
  • A safety function with front safety bumper & brake, spring loaded front wheel and status LED indicator
  • Provide best satisfaction and convenience for your patient and operator. It will prevent any unexpected and secondary accident
  Technical Specification: Topaz X-ray Machine
  • Output Rating   - 32kW/40kW
  • kVRange          - 40 to 125V/150kV
  • mA Range        - 10 to 400mA/500mA
  • mAs Range      - 0.1 to 400mA/500mAs
  Digital Flat-panel Detector
  • Size – 14X17inch
  • Scintillator - Csl/GOS
  • Type - Wireless
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DETAILS As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. S22, is a shared service ultrasound system with a slim and elegant package that has combined mobility with utility to fit in specific clinical situations including emergency department, ICU, operating room and so on. Furthermore, its ergonomic design, easy operating and flexible data management will give you a memorable experience. SPECIFICATION • Large high-resolution widescreen LED • Sensitive touch screen • Four transducer sockets plus one socket for pencil probe • A comprehensive selection of probes: linear, Convex, Micro-convex, Volumetric, Endocavity, Bi-plane, Phased Array, TEE, Intraoperative, Pencil • Premium application technology: 4D, μ-scan speckle reduction, compound imaging, Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging, Color M-Mode, Steer M-Mode, PDI, TDI, Real-time Panoramic Imaging, Trapezoid Imaging, Auto-IMT… • Full patient database and image management solutions: DICOM 3.0, AVI/JPG, USB 2.0, HDD, DVD, PDF report • Multi-Language Input Keyboard • Built-in battery  
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Bistos BT-770 is a 12.1" touchscreen patient monitor designed for easy operations. SPECIFICATIONS
  • 12.1“ color TFT touch screen
  • ECG, Resp., SpO2, NIBP, Temp., CO2, IBP, Multi-gas, C.O., Masimo SpO2
  • Precise ECG measurement with pacemaker detection ST segment and 16 types of arrhythmia analysis Double overpressure protection for NIBP Intelligent cuff inflation pressure adjustment
  • Smart Hook/Stand design, provide multiple placement modes Plug & Play Modular IBP& C.O., Modular Printer Multiple configuration options: 4-channel IBP, CO2, invasive C.O., Multi-gas Over 5 hours continuous working on battery 12-15V wide range DC input, suitable for ambulance Capable to connect with central monitoring system HL7 export to clinical information systems (option)
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DrGem Ceiling Mounted Digital X-ray is a diagnostic digital radiography system that provides reliable high quality digital radiographic images with a reduced dose. The GXR-SD DR systems offer comprehensive digital solutions to all radiography needs, featuring ACQUIDR digital imaging system with stationary or portable digital flat-panel detectors as well as reliable high-frequency x-ray generators that are known worldwide for their excellent performance, lifetime and stability. Patient tables and wall stands are also offered. Features:
  • TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m stroke, rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m
  • WBS-TA: Vertical movement
  1. V Stroke:1,450mm in Uprigh Bucky Position,
  2. 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
  • PBT-4 is a 4 way Floating Tabletop. A large tabletop with extended travel enables all radiography studies with minimal patient movement. Fully fat tabletop without a frame on the edge makes cleanliness and odors free
  • Digital Flat Panel Detector (FPD) – Wireless 17X14 (Csl, 4336W) with Auto Exposure Detection (AED) function, there is no DR trigger cable between detector and generator.
  • Full Featured Imaging Software & Excellent Digital Image Processing:
  1. Provides convenient user interface and easy operation
  2. Anatomical view-based digital image processing automatically optimizes and enhances the quality of the captured image for the pictured anatomy.
  3. Radiographic stand & automatic collimator control function
  4. DICOM 3.0 networking interface includes Worklist, Print, Store, Query for integration with any PACS or RIS
  • Included – Software, HP Laptop Computer
  1. CPU≥3.2GHz
  2. Memory capacity:≥4GB
  3. Hard drive capacity :≥500 GB
  4. Resolution: 1280 x 1024
  5. Display size: 21 inch color LCD screen
  6. 64 bit Windows 10 operation system
  7. Core: i5
  Technical Specification:
  • Power Rating - 32KW
  • Generator - GXR-32S
  • Rotor - Dual Speed Starter(DSS)
  • Input Power - 400/480VAC, Three phase
  • Line Frequency - 50/60Hz
  • X-ray tube - DXT-12M, (0.6/1.2mm, 300kHU)
  • Tube Voltage - 40 to 150kV, 1kV Step
  • Tube Current – 10 to 640mA
  • Output - 640mA@81kV,  500mA@104kV, 400mA@130kV, 320mA@150kV
  • Time Range - 1ms to 10s
  • mAs Range - 0.1 to 800mAs
  • Reproducibility - Coe­cient of Variation : kV < 0.005, Time < 0.005,mAs < 0.01
  • Accuracy - kV < ±(1%+1kV), mA < ±(3%+1mA), Time <±(1%+0.5ms), mAs < ±(3%+0.1mAs)
  • Linearity - Coe­cient of Linearity < 0.01 : CL = (X1-X2)/(X1+X2), where X is mR/mAs
  • Mechanical Parts:
-TS-CSA-A (Vertical movement, 1.6m, stroke rail length 3x4meter) including HV cable 15m - PBT-4: 4 way Floating Tabletop. - WBS-TA: a. Vertical    movement
  1. V Stroke:1,450mm in Upright Bucky
  2. Position, 1,526mm in Horizontal Bucky position.
- HVC-15: 15M HV cable - Auto Collimator  
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SONOSCAPE E2 DETAILS Auto Image Optimization A portable ultrasound machine with the press of a button, the image is automatically adjusted and optimized, saving you time with parameter adjustments. Additionally, with Auto Focus on, the focus area follows the depth of the ROI box as it is moved in the scanning field, providing users with excellent image quality in the desired area of interest. Automated Calculation Auto IMT is used when determining the level of vascular sclerosis present in the patient by automatically tracing the thickness of the carotid vessels. Auto trace provides users sensitive and accurate wave tracing, avoiding the error of manual trace and giving out calculation result in no time In-Build Battery pack This portable ultrasound machine was equipped with an in-build battery pack which enable the user to perform image scanning when AC power is not available.  
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