


Shipped From Abroad

Key features
  • It is the only portable monitor to be pressure corrected ensuring no false readings are given
  • The Sub Aspida is compact in size (127 x 44 x 90mm LxDxW)
  • The oxygen (O2) sensor can be calibrated on air, reducing costly gas requirements and making you self sufficient in the maintenance of the sensor
  • The carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor only needs calibrating every 12 months
  • OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display
  • Pressure compensated CO2 & O2 sensors
  • Rechargeable battery-operated (NiMH)
  • Datalogging
  • Man-down alarm
  • Can offer continuous monitoring or spot checking
  • Audio, visual and vibration alarms
  • TWA (Time Weighted Average) Alarm
  • User maintainable
  • Can be worn on the belt or clipped to a panel
  • Pressure range of 700-1200mbara
  • Maintenance reminders as standard
Delivery & Availability:
Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Brands:: Analox



The Sub Aspida is a personal, portable monitor which is used to detect levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in pressurized environments.

CO2 monitoring & O2 monitoring with the Sub Aspida

Unlike industrial sensing monitors, the Sub Aspida was designed with pressure corrected sensors, giving you 100% confidence in your readings.

The Sub Aspida has been upgraded to support those who work at high altitude.

Pressure tested to 10,000 ft or 700 MB, the Sub Aspida will remain accurate and reliable when monitoring CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere, meaning you can concentrate on the job at hand!


Technical Specification



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SettingsPERSONAL CO2/O2 MONITOR-SUB-ASPIDA removeSonoscape S22 Ultrasound Machine removeOXYGEN & CARBON DIOXIDE MONITOR removeVENUS SOLO OEM SENSOR removeSonoscape S11 Ultrasound Machine removeAtmosphere Protection Module remove
NamePERSONAL CO2/O2 MONITOR-SUB-ASPIDA removeSonoscape S22 Ultrasound Machine removeOXYGEN & CARBON DIOXIDE MONITOR removeVENUS SOLO OEM SENSOR removeSonoscape S11 Ultrasound Machine removeAtmosphere Protection Module remove







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DescriptionShipped From Abroad
Key features
  • It is the only portable monitor to be pressure corrected ensuring no false readings are given
  • The Sub Aspida is compact in size (127 x 44 x 90mm LxDxW)
  • The oxygen (O2) sensor can be calibrated on air, reducing costly gas requirements and making you self sufficient in the maintenance of the sensor
  • The carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor only needs calibrating every 12 months
  • OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display
  • Pressure compensated CO2 & O2 sensors
  • Rechargeable battery-operated (NiMH)
  • Datalogging
  • Man-down alarm
  • Can offer continuous monitoring or spot checking
  • Audio, visual and vibration alarms
  • TWA (Time Weighted Average) Alarm
  • User maintainable
  • Can be worn on the belt or clipped to a panel
  • Pressure range of 700-1200mbara
  • Maintenance reminders as standard
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped from Abroad As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. Delivery & Availability: Typically 5-7 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Operating temperature 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
  • Dual state-of-the-art oxygen and carbon dioxide sensors
  • Two analogue outputs, one for each gas detected
  • Maximum power consumption less than 5 watts
  • Designed to operate safely in a vacuum for four hours
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Single gas (user defined)
  • Backward compatible with ADC’s ‘Eclipse’
  • Linearised Output
  • Continuous status signal to check device health
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
In Stock A Value Choice beyond Your Expectation. SonoScape’s trolley color Doppler system S11 redefines price and performance with practical design. The S11 will go beyond your expectations but not your budget. Delivery & Availability: Typically 2 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.Shipped From Abroad
Key Features
  • Flexible to meet your specific needs and ensures you meet current legislation
  • Measures up to 2 gasses with a choice of; O2 (oxygen), CO2 (carbon dioxide) and R134a (refrigerants). The APM will soon be able to measure VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • Uses MODBUS RTU communications protocol
  • Temperature compensated sensors with PressureSync technology
  • Fitted with 2 relays
  • Compatible with the Analox Distributed Atmosphere Monitoring solution (DAMS)
Delivery & Availability: Typically 10-21 working days – excluding furniture and heavy/bulky equipment. Please contact us for further information.
The Sub Aspida is a personal, portable monitor which is used to detect levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in pressurized environments.
CO2 monitoring & O2 monitoring with the Sub Aspida
Unlike industrial sensing monitors, the Sub Aspida was designed with pressure corrected sensors, giving you 100% confidence in your readings. The Sub Aspida has been upgraded to support those who work at high altitude. Pressure tested to 10,000 ft or 700 MB, the Sub Aspida will remain accurate and reliable when monitoring CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere, meaning you can concentrate on the job at hand!  
Technical Specification
DETAILS As SonoScape steps forward to add value and efficiency to ultrasound, the latest S22 was designed in a user-friendly platform to address current and future demanding needs. It represents an excellent mix in performance and price. S22, is a shared service ultrasound system with a slim and elegant package that has combined mobility with utility to fit in specific clinical situations including emergency department, ICU, operating room and so on. Furthermore, its ergonomic design, easy operating and flexible data management will give you a memorable experience. SPECIFICATION • Large high-resolution widescreen LED • Sensitive touch screen • Four transducer sockets plus one socket for pencil probe • A comprehensive selection of probes: linear, Convex, Micro-convex, Volumetric, Endocavity, Bi-plane, Phased Array, TEE, Intraoperative, Pencil • Premium application technology: 4D, μ-scan speckle reduction, compound imaging, Pulse Inversion Harmonic Imaging, Color M-Mode, Steer M-Mode, PDI, TDI, Real-time Panoramic Imaging, Trapezoid Imaging, Auto-IMT… • Full patient database and image management solutions: DICOM 3.0, AVI/JPG, USB 2.0, HDD, DVD, PDF report • Multi-Language Input Keyboard • Built-in battery  
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The SV-Multigas-2 is a dual oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) monitor designed for vehicles operating in the upper atmosphere. Housed in a robust, compact enclosure, the unit is ideal for use in airborne delivery systems, satellites and aircraft cabins. Since 2014 the SV-Multigas-2 has been successfully used in rockets travelling to outer space. Flexibility The SV-Multigas-2 incorporates user maintainable analogue sensors that provide a 1 to 5 V output. This modular approach to gas monitoring ensures that our customers have the flexibility to integrate the unit into their own system. It can be either installed directly in the gas path or used for general air monitoring.  
Technical Specification
The Venus Solo OEM sensor is a self-contained unit designed for integration into other manufacturers’ equipment and provides a measurement of gas concentration according to specific user requirements. These GFC (Gas Filter Correlation) sensors generate a signal proportional to the infrared absorption of the measured gas. Providing the gas concentration lies within the designed range of the sensor, the signal is periodically compared with a reference gas. Gas concentrations are indicated through the non-linearised analogue signal output. Gas connections to and from the sensor are via suitable fittings on the gas measuring cell. The Venus Solo OEM Series sensors electrical supply is designed to accept 24V DC (3amp max). Our Venus Solo OEM sensor uses GFC (Gas Filter Correlation) technology to give highly accurate gas measurements. The Venus Solo can be integrated into your own gas analyzer or management system and offers the user a 0-2.5v analogue output.

The sensor is currently available as either: Carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (N20), methane (CH4) or nitric oxide (NO). If your application requires a different gas, just let us know and we can customise it to your needs. The Venus Solo is used in Military applications to protect submariners from carbon monoxide (CO) exposure.  

Technical Specification
Venus Solo
DETAILS SonoScape’s trolley colour Doppler system S11 redefines price and performance with practical design. The S11 will go beyond your expectations but not your budget. As an easy-to-use ultrasound system, the S11 is integrated with a new software platform, especially optimized for a smooth workflow and convenient operation. The system speeds up the exam process and makes file management easier. SPECIFICATION - 15-inch high definition LCD monitor with articulating arm - Compact and agile trolley design - 3 active transducer sockets available for a wide range of applications - Duplex, Color Doppler, DPI, PW Doppler, tissue harmonic imaging, μ-scan speckle reduction imaging, compound imaging, trapezoidal imaging - Customized settings based on your own working style - Full patient database and image management solutions  
Click Here To Download Catalogue 
The Analox APM (Atmosphere Protection Module) is a configurable modular system which has the ability to monitor up to 2 gasses. This unique solution can be used as a stand alone atmosphere monitor or it can be integrated into existing PMS systems.  
Technical Specifications
System Specifications
Operating Temperature 0°C to +45°C +32°F to +113°F
Operating pressure 700 to 1300mBar
Humidity Range 0 to 95% RH
Power 24vDC (nominal) as standard
Communications MODBUS RTU
Relays 2 as standard
Calibration interval Before mission and / or every 3 months
Sensor Unit
Sensor type Range Danger
CO2 NDIR 0 to 5% / 0 to 30mBar Toxic
O2 (Depleted) Electrochemical 0 to 25% / 0 to 2500mBar Asphyxiation
O2 (enriched) Electrochemical 0 to 25% / 0 to 2500mBar Fire/explosion
R134a NDIR 0 to 1000ppm Asphyxiation
VOCs PID 0 to 20ppm Toxic
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